they just left, i got to talk to him for a few minutes.
so, he got pulled over, officer smelled pot, passenger hadn’t appeared for a recent court date & had a warrant, his car got searched. officer found a prescription pill container on her son that had no label on it & an oily fluid something or other in it (more on that in a minute). the cop asked what it was & he said he didn’t know. another cop that had shown up took it back to his car & came back with a roadside test kit test that said it was a cannabis oil of sorts. her son asks them to test it in front of him versus two cars back, cop declined.
both guys go to jail.
her son swears on his life to me tonight it wasn’t anything illegal, he didn’t want to say what it was though (more below).
anyway, he bonds out of jail, went to court that one day, was told to come back with an attorney.
he spoke to an attorney the next day, they told him the substance was going to have to be lab tested, it was going to cost him $1500 to retain him, more if it goes to trial.
he thinks screw that, they’re going to be testing it anyway it sounds like, when they do they’ll see it’s not anything illegal, no need for an attorney.
he goes back to court, talks to the d.a. before appearing in front of the judge, gets told they won’t send it to the lab at all till a plea is made. he’s that more more adamant about ‘defending’ himself thinking it feels like a scam, again from ‘knowing’ he’s not guilty.
judge is still having none of it.
he’s found a cheaper attorney, is still pissed he’s having to as “being innocent is sure costing him a lot”.
next court appearance next week.
*my thoughts on this are, if he’s being truthful, i agree it sucks to wait to test the stuff since it could end the process & not waste the courts time/ tax payers money.
*he wouldn’t tell me what the substance was, from my asking him & trying to guess several times, i wanna say it was something from an adult novelty store, possibly a head shop.
- there’s the unfortunate possibility that he is telling the truth, but what they end up testing isn’t what they confiscated. I’d like to think that never happens, but it can & does sometimes. I’m not one to blindly believe that someone’s innocent because they claim to be, but I’m a pretty good read on people that are right in front of me & i feel 99.9% her son is being honest with me.
I’m interested to hear what happens on this, I’ll share when i know more, will likely be after the Christmas holiday (not sure how long the lab tests take).