Can't talk about legal marijuana?

Ah, you’re no fun anymore. :wink:

In Saudi Arabia, it is illegal for women to drive. I propose a ban on threads about drivers, particularly women drivers.

I never was and you know it. :mad:

That would be in the butt, Bob.

Which is still illegal in some states, ya know.

You have a pet lion? I doubt it. I think you’re lion.

See post #16. The US Constitution also currently says that alcohol is illegal!

Except later down it says: “Just kidding!”

Well, if it were written in the 80s, it would say “Syke!” (sic)
In the 90s/in Kazakhstan right now: “Not!”

What a silly rule. We’ve had lots of pot threads and they weren’t closed. Was it just the growing part? Hello, say it’s tomatoes. That’s what my local grow shop does. Well, did. It’s Colorado. We’ve entered the 21st century, and can talk about pot all day long if we want.

We’ve also had plenty that were. The difference is discussing illegal activity in a general sense vs. promoting it or telling people how to do it. A thread about how to grow and prepare marijuana is on the wrong side of that line.

The thread was about trimming leaves to get the most potency in the buds. I don’t think this concept translates to tomatoes.

Poor newbs. Pot growing is like taking up skiing. 3 months later all the equipment ends up on craigslist.

Just because a law’s on the books doesn’t mean it’s still actually a law. The Supreme Court says those laws are forbidden by the Federal Constitution, so the states which refuse to repeal them can sit and spin. (Which is legal, in case you didn’t catch my drift.)

Marijuana now being sold, legally, in DC. Even the feds don’t care apparently.

Which, again, means nothing as to the actual status of the law. A future president could decide he wants to crack down hard on all the scofflaws in the states with “legal” marijuana, and instruct the DEA to make it a top priority.

I’m sure they’ll get right on that just as soon as the Dope relocates to SA.

Cool. I propose, in the spirit of the old sit-ins, a mass protest butt-fuck in some public park somewhere. (I mean in broad daylight to Stick It to the Man, not after dark and furtive like usually happens.)

Or until they outlaw women drivers in the States. Like they should!

Well, part Lion, yes.

Ah, but decency laws* are still permitted, so not even straight people can enjoy Afternoon Delight out in public, or even in their own homes with the windows open. After all, you never know if Little Suzy has finally gotten around to borrowing her parents’ fifty-foot ladder to accidentally stumble upon people getting busy on an upper floor of their house.

*(If burglary laws outlaw burglary, and fraud laws outlaw fraud, decency laws outlaw… ?)

The only kinds of laws which are now invalid due to Lawrence and the purulent interests of the state of Texas are the ones which required people to monitor the private places of consenting adults who weren’t doing it for the money in any honest sense. This greatly put out all of those people doing the monitoring, let me tell you.