Can't talk about legal marijuana?

I wonder how this board would have reacted to the anti-war movement in the last half of the 60s. A time when people stood up to the government and said, no way are we going to be part of this bullshit, law be damned. Then burned their draft card.

Clearly illegal at the time, yet history has painted a different picture altogether.

Would the board allow discussion of those issues if they were current events? Would it allow discussions on options to the draft?

Oh, it’s just pot. Contradictions there may be, but there are nice message boards devoted to all things cannabis, and Youtube has all the how-tos you could want.

Don’t trim fan leaves. Those are the energy makers.

As noted, there’s a difference between breaking a law and finding a loophole in the law. Due to the nature of how marriage works, it would be difficult for a gay couple to break marriage laws. The only way I can think that the law could actively be broken would be if one member of a gay couple impersonated the opposite sex in an attempt to get married in a state where same-sex marriages are illegal. But I don’t think that would work because the marriage would just be declared invalid when the ruse was revealed.

I was wondering the exact same thing about the 1860s and the Fugitive Slave Act or tax evasion by the colonists in the 1760s. This place is rotten with hypocrisy.

I thoroughly understand the distinction, I just don’t agree with the board’s policy on it. E.g. if there was a Justice of the Peace, who was willing to BREAK the law to marry same sex couples in Oklahoma, I’d be all for it. And if said JOP posted here on the Dope about how he broke that law & was able to marry same sex couples, in spite of the ban, I’d be all for it.

But then again, I think laws prohibiting same sex marriage are wholly immoral, unethical & unAmerican, so violating them is something I would support. I get the sense the OP feels the same about mj laws.

That said, I understand the board’s policies & have derailed this thread enough. So I’ll stop now & let it go.

FTR, I am not gay (in spite of my user name ;). I just support equal rights for all people and get my panties in a bunch when others don’t see things my way :wink: