:eek: :eek: :eek:
OMG this happened yesterday evening outside of Little Rock on I40. Squint and focus your eyes. There’s a pancaked car under that truck. That *was *a Cadillac sedan.
local story
:eek: :eek: :eek:
OMG this happened yesterday evening outside of Little Rock on I40. Squint and focus your eyes. There’s a pancaked car under that truck. That *was *a Cadillac sedan.
local story
The victim isn’t visible. I wouldn’t have linked if it was gory. I feel that’s disrespectful of the person’s family. They draped a sheet over the car in other images.
These photos are the reason why I don’t like being the car in front of tractor trailers, and if I end up between two on the road I’m getting the hell out of there as soon as possible.
I came to this thread immediately after reading “The SDMB summed up in one picture”. At the risk of being disrespectful, this one comes close.
Seems to me that this is one scenario that Mythbusters didn’t think of. They had the trucks headed toward each other head-on.
I’ve found myself in front of large vehicles that weren’t slowing down. I rapidly pumped my brakes so the brake lights flashed. So far it’s alerted them in time.
Naah, this one’s closer.
For the win !!! ↑↑↑
Holy Crap - what sort of force is involved to shunt TWO tractor trailer units?
I know just how the kid in that picture feels.
The car in the picture is also under the trailer of the truck in front. The Mythbusters episode was about a car getting squished between two trucks, not being subducted.
My cousin died when squished between 2 trucks about 30 years ago, on the New Jersey Turnpike near the George Washington Bridge. I never saw pictures of it, nor would I want to.
See the thread title.
One semi with trailer that didn’t stop. The news report says the caddy was behind the three trucks. The fourth truck comes along and never slows down. At least two of the truck drivers are in the hospital. I heard they had those lanes of I40 closed for over an hour and a half.
Or this.