Car plunges 250 feet, all occupants survive

Mind-boggling. The car was a Tesla that went off a 250-foot cliff 20 miles south of San Francisco, hit, and flipped several times. The two adults suffered non-life-threatening injuries, and the two kids (both in car seats) survived unharmed. The Tesla was not in self-driving mode. No word on the accident’s cause.

It might end up being positive PR for Tesla, if it was driver error that caused the crash. It’s astonishing that they survived.

“Firefighters rappelled down the cliff to the car while other first responders watched through binoculars.”
:scream: :exploding_head:

I live near there and drive that road quite frequently. It’s a winding road with some spectacular ocean views, so it’s possible the driver was just distracted and missed a curve. Still, it pretty unusual for such an accident to happen there, especially since the tunnel opened about 10 years ago. I got an alert yesterday morning on my phone that the road was closed; now I know why.

Note that:

I hope they throw the book at him.

It’s paywalled - does the article say how they know? It doesn’t seem like an area where there would be surveillance cameras, but I’m guessing that Teslas record a lot of information about the car’s movement. Or maybe one of the victims is conscious? Let’s hope it’s that, grim as the situation is.

Some other articles:

So, is the driver really lucky or really unlucky?

Driver: Unlucky. Go to jail.

Wife and kids: Lucky. Goodbye to abuser.

A car went off the cliff in almost the same place about three years ago and someone caught it on their dashcam. Pretty scary stuff.

That’s one incredibly strong dashcam.

The KRON article says

CHP used a helicopter to repel down the cliff

So, they were using magnets?

And where was Toonces while all this was going on?

Tip o’ the hat to those who engineered the passenger restraints and crash cage.

Well, that took a dark turn.

It seems a lot like that couple that killed themselves and their adoptive children.


Still good publicity for Tesla.

As did the driver. :clown_face:

Are you kidding? They just lost the murder-suicide market!

It’s a dead-end niche. Although you have a customer for life, there’s few, if any, repeat buyers.