Car Question - Odd Sound

I have a 2007 Kia Rondo. Two days ago I noticed an odd sound I’d never heard before. It seems to be coming from the general area of the passenger side airbag. It sounds near the dash, but my hearing isn’t that great and it could be coming from the engine compartment or someplace else.

The best way I can describe the sound is like when you drive over loose gravel. Almost a static-like sound, but it’s not an even rhythm. More like a crackle. It’s pretty constant when the car is moving, and gets a bit louder as I accelerate. It stops when I idle.

I looked under the hood, and in the wheel well, but nothing is out of the ordinary. Because of the way it changes when I accelerate I thought it was a belt, but I can’t really tell.

I’ve made an appointment with my service guys, but they can’t seeme until January 2. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it’s pretty annoying.

Any ideas or possible culprits?

I had a similar thing happen with my wife’s Olds Alero. The serpentine belts was going out. I piece of it had frayed off and was slapping the firewall.

Look at the belts with the engine running - but keep yourself safely away from moving parts!

Inspect the belt with the engine off.

The belts are not openly visible, so when I have some light tomorrow I’ll take a look.

If it also stops when you drive a bit faster, it’s a long shot, but make sure there’s no gravel under your wheel cover. I’ve had that happen before.

I have no idea how a Kia is built, but on most cars that I’ve owned the fan for the heater/AC is on the passenger side under the dash. It could be that the bearings are starting to go in the fan, though typically this would continue to make noise even if you stopped and idled.

Is it a “popping” sort of static? Might be the CV joint. This would only make noise while the wheel was turning, and usually makes more noise if you turn.

I don’t notice any change when I’m turning. The noise is constant when I’m moving forward.