Carter Racing Exercise?

I remember in a communication class going through an exercise where you have to decide whether or not to enter your race car in an upcoming race. There are mechanical issues with the car, but sponsors are threatening to pull out if you don’t race, etc.

You find out after you made your decision that the facts of the situation mirror the facts surrounding the Challenger launch and it facilitates discussion about group dynamics and how they affect decision making.

I’d like to present this to a class I’m speaking to, but I don’t have a copy of the actual exercise. I’ve googled, but got only syllabi from classes using the exercise. Can someone point me toward a copy?

I’ve tried Googling a few different terms, but only get items about Nascar, Challenger conspiracies and a few cites about Business Ethics writer Carter McNamara. If you post a link to one of the class syllabi, it could give a better starting point for a search.

I don’t know, but maybe you could ask Laura Kray.

They were apparently awarded a National Science Foundation grant to study this sort of thing, but I can’t find much about the methodology or results online.

Thanks for the help, y’all. I ran across a copy in the offline world. It’s about a 55th generation copy, but it will get the job done.