Carter wins Nobel Peace Prize

Nice guys don’t necessarily finish last. Bravo Jimmy!

I have long felt he had been far too often passed over for this, an award he so deserved.



I agree. He has done outstanding things.

I met Mr. Carter about 10 years ago. One of the nicest and sincere people I have ever met. He is most deserving.

Even though I view his presidency as something of a failure, I certainly think he is most deserving of this. J. Carter is a sincerely decent person, who has worked hard for peace. His efforts are rewarded rather late, IMHO. Bravo indeed! (and to think Dubya was up for it as weel. Shudder!)

I’ve always thought he was a sincerely kind and decent human being. I thought his perceived failures as President were due to his being too decent to stand up to the machinations of the powerbrokers in Washington. At least that’s my theory, and I’m sticking to it.

I’m glad he got the award. He deserves it a hundred times over.
And the fact that the Nobel prize Committee finally got their collective heads out and gave it to him serves to partially redeem them in my eyes.

This was long overdue. I don’t think he worked out too well as a president, but he is a true statesman.

[Opus] A statesman is a dead politician. [/Opus]

I was a bit pissed off the Nobel Guy for throwing in the jab at Bush.

“It (the award) should be interpreted as a criticism of the line that the current administration has taken,” said Gunnar Berge, the Nobel committee chairman. “It’s a kick in the leg to all that follow the same line as the United States.”

If I were Carter I’d tell them where to stick their “prize” a la Giuliani refusing millions from the Saudi prince.

How did HRH. Tony Blair (Protector of the Realm) get over looked?
