
Can someone explain to me who exactly was Casanova? I know he had a way with women but I don’t know much about him.

You should use them prior to posting - you’ll be surprised what you can find in less than 2 mintues of looking.

I would have added a winking smilie to that if I could have, btw.

“In 1755 the Venetian authorities imprisoned him for impiety and practicing magic, but he made a sensational escape the following year.”

How did he escape? What was so sensational about it?

Guess you’ll actually have to a search on Casanova and read up, huh?

I asked a question. If you don’t know the answer, don’t post.

Bet you could find it here: In his personal memoirs.

so perhaps you don’t know that usually a question as searchable as the one you asked is frequently ignored with or without an explanation or even an admonition.

I was trying to help fight your ignorance.

I won’t anymore -

You see, you could have answered this question yourself. People on this board often don’t repond to those who aren’t willing to at least that.

Good day.

At ease, Commander.

Here’s the full article quoted above:

"Bet you could find it here: In his personal memoirs."

No Commander, NOWHERE on that site does it detail his escape. You are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. As I said, if you don’t know the answer to my question, then don’t post.

Casanova is Spanish for “my house doesn’t go”.

Can someone PLEASE point me to a place where I can get the details of Casanova’s escape from prison. Thankyou!

  1. Pick the search engine of your choice:

or, just click the “search” button from the home page of your ISP.

  1. Enter “casanova” in the field you want to search for.

  2. Press the “go” button.
    It really isn’t difficult. It took about 3 seconds to find a site with your answer. :wink:

I have searched, and I can’t find.

Can anyone out there help me?

Actually, I found many details on the second site I referenced (which I found through the use of the mysterious, magical, mystical search engine)…after I read through the introduction and clicked on “section one”, which is titled, interestingly enough

Some highlights included the following:

All this and much, much more.

Grant you, the end is left a bit of a cliffhanger with an invitation to purchase the actual book. However, in the (translated) words of Casanova himself is told a lively tale of his preparations and method of escape, I’m suprised that you could possibly have missed this in your reading, as the ENTIRE site (except of course the introduction on the first page) is devoted to your second question.

How did Casanova escape from prison?

Little Nemo - I realize the first site was scant. I supplied the poster with the the first of many links that a simple search on “Casanova” generated. The point of it was to encourage a new poster to use their resources (in order of the most basic resources first), before asking to be spoon-fed information that is easily available on the net.

I was under the impression that was encouraged around here.

I am cranky, tired, bitchy and obnoxious this morning, I’ve had a long double-shift at work and I’m going to bed now.

Thats right, NOWHERE on the links provided does it say HOW he actually GOT OUT (escaped), that is what I am after… is it really that hard to understand? No, now if someone has a constructive reply then PLEASE POST IT.

You know what. You are just annoying.

In the future, you are not to badger the members of this form when they are trying to help you. This is an instruction, not a request.

I’m closing this thread.