I’ve just watched it for the first time, and i’m confused. Why exactly did Vesper kill herself? If I get the idea, they had a hold over her (by kidnapping her boyfriend) to get her to do what they wanted, but then she makes a deal to save Bond’s life, suggesting she actually loves him. And then she kills herself despite having no reason to do so (that I can think of). Very little, anyway.
Given that Bond has come after her and he’s looking somewhat pissed, I think she can deduce he’s figured out she’s a double agent. If she gets captured by him, she’ll face incarceration and trial by the British authorities.
Shame over betraying both Bond and her country. She funneled millions of dollars to an international terrorist organization, just in terms of the Casino money. And who knows what else she’d done before she met Bond? Once her cover was blown, she was a dead woman no matter what. Letting herself drown at least saved Bond from having to be the one who pulled the trigger.