Cassette Tape ---> MP3

This is a shameless call for help, I really don’t have any form of compensation.

I have a DJ mix that I recorded on cassette tape that many people I know have requested CD’s of. My computer is hatched so now I am at the library. As such, I have no way of getting this cassette onto a computer so I can make CD’s of it.

Would any of you dopers have the technology and kindness to:

  1. Record the 1-hour long tape onto your computer and convert it to MP3
  2. Edit a 5-second fade-out into the end of the clip
  3. Host the file on your webspace for a while

If you could do all three, a combination of two, or just one of the above I would appreciate it deeply.

I would mail you the tape, and of course the postage for the return trip. If you want to respond in this thread that is cool, or my personal E-mail is where I can communicate my address to you.

Thanks in advance dopers.

You can likely do the first two yourself at the library or a compute rlab somewhere. Any computer with an input jack would work. Bring a walkman in with the proper cable and you can record and transcode it to mp3. The web hosting could probably be done for free as well.

It’s unlikely that a library computer would have the relevant software. IIRC Windows Sound Recorder has a maximum of a minute duration.