Casual sex vs prostitution

Aside from the exchange of money is there any difference between casual sex and prostitution ?

Well duh. If it’s casual sex both parties are in it for fun. If it’s prostitution one party is only in it for the money.

Aside from the exchange of money is there any difference between meeting a friend for dinner and running an escort service?

Well, there’s usually all that annoying talking with casual sex. Then you got that whole chivalry thing where you have to make sure she gets “hers”. Then there’s that awkward moment when you wake up next to somebody and realize that “YOU DON’T F’N KNOW THIS PERSON” thus the conversation doesn’t flow anywhere near as freely as it did the night before when you where hammered on beer and tequlia shots. Not to mention said girl or guy wont be nearly as hot as they were the night before.

Where as prostitution is… Well…

OK, now, wait. Why prositution bad?

What the hell are you talking about?

If you can’t see the difference between two people having sex out of mutual desire (the signifient word being mutual) and someone having sex and paying for it, from someone who has no interest in them other than monetary…

I’m not opposed to legalized prositution for practical reason. But call me a romantic, I think sex should only be engaged in for lust :slight_smile: .

What are you actually asking here?

No-one, thus far, has implied that prostitution is bad. Which moral high ground are your reaching for? :dubious:

Plus, it’s entirely within the realm of possibilities that some casual sex does not end in an awkward and uncomfortable situation, just like there are prostitutes who enjoy the income AND the sex.

More to the point what’s the difference between prostitution and porn movies?

Both situations involve people having sex for monetary reasons.

I’m not reaching for any moral high ground. It’s called humor.

Surely, you know there is a stigma out there that prostitution is bad. Not my personal opinion, but definately the stereo type that’s out there.

What’s the difference between prostitution and marrying a wealthy, sickly, elderly man? What’s the difference between prostitution and having sex so your partner will like you more? There’s a big grey area sometimes. As long as it’s consentual, I just don’t see how it’s the state’s business to make sure each party consented for the “right” reasons.

Difference between Prostitution and porn is that BOTH (or ALL depending on the nature of the flick) parties are getting paid for being laid. Apparently those of us who would volunteer our services pro bono (heh) in order to further this theatrical vehicle are not in demand in the industry. No customer/merchant relationship.

Difference between casual sex & prostitution is that the former typically involves a broker and a property-like status on the part of the merchandise offered for lease. As the property is relatively easy to obtain, maintenance is not a high-priority expense and the property incurs significant delapidation in fairly short order. Shorter at least than that suffered by a free agent or the ‘weekend warrior’ back at the office–who typically has a life outside the bedroom.

I would assume that a prostitute doesn’t necessarily desire the person who is paying her/him to have sex. Even if they do like some of their customers, others have to be extremely disgusting and difficult to want to do it for.

Casual encounters are usually a result of a mutual attraction, and money plays no part.

By former of course, I mean latter.

By “former” of course, I mean “latter.”

You’re probably right, I would think only a select percentage (a small one) actually enjoy the sex. But then again, I find the people I work with rather disgusting too, but it pays. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aside from the chemical composition and intended purpose, is there any difference between shit and Shinola?

the question is REALLY clear. FORGET ABOUT $$$$$. lol i don’t know how so many people are having trouble with this.

i think there’s a difference just because in casual sex you more than likely know the person from somewhere. which can be good and bad. good because it’s not a stranger (well depending on your feeling about sex and strangers) or bad because if you turn out to be a really kinky porn leather whips and handcuffs person, it could be embarassing for you in the morning :wink:

I’ll let you know, next time I take a Shinola.

Well, the $$$$ is pretty key. Horny swingers are motivated primarily by the sex, and would be gettin’ it on even if one or both of them was broke. And while one of them may spring for dinner and a show, hard currency does not change hands. A prostitute–specifically, what the law calls a “common prostitute”–will screw pretty much anybody who pays her to, and will pretty much not screw anyone who doesn’t. These are her defining traits. While lots of prostitutes have loved ones/significant others, these tend not to resemble her clients very closely. (No cite here; sex workers reading this feel free to dispute me.)

To put a finer point on it, with casual sex, you can be relatively assured that your partner wants to do this and finds you at least somewhat attractive, if only through beer goggles and only for the night. (Let’s dispence with pitty fucks, dares and other assholish behavior for the sake of the argument, ok?) With a prostitute, you can never assume the same, even if they seem really enthusiastic… As Satine in *Moulin Rouge *says, “I’m paid to make men believe what they want to believe.”

An important distinction? Maybe, maybe not. Depends on the person, I would assume. To me it would make a huge difference.