Cat lovers help, please!

I was reading another thread of rubes about toilet training cats and would love to try it, but I have one problem I don’t know how to handle.

My male kitty, Jesper, hikes his rear when he pees. I mean way way over the top of a normal cat pan so it splatters the wall.
So if we tried to train him, we’d have one nasty bathroom/toilet.

His box used to be situated right in front of the commode. Every time he went to hike, I would gently push down on his back, but he didn’t seem to be getting the message. I definitely did not want to try negative reinforcement (yelling, punishing) as I surely don’t want him to associate the litter box as a “no-no”.

We have temporarily fixed the problem by buying a Booda Dome which we keep outside the bathroom. It’s round, with a lid. So now he’s just hitting the back of the lid, but it still drips down leaks onto the floor where the lid and pan meet. At least it’s not the wall. :rolleyes:

He didn’t use to do this, so I don’t know why he started.
Any hints, clues, advice?
We have only one other cat, female, and no other animals.

I absolutely love cats, and I used to have a hedgehog, well for the litterbox, you can get like triangular litter boxes that also go vertically, this could help witht he wall issue, you can buy them at any pet store i think. Other than that, i am not sure how to train him/her to not do that, you might want to consider talking to your veterinarian, I hope your kitty gets better!!!

We had a similiar problem with our furbaby. We purchased a corner litter-box and then went to the hardware store and bought some self-stick rubber wall-base (kind of like industrial baseboard). We lined the edge of the top section of the box with the wall-base, so that the rubber extends beyond the edge of the top and fits into bottom of the box and covers up the gap. It stops the dripping from going outside the box and is very easy to clean, all you have to do is wipe it down with a paper towel when you clean the box! Hope this helps! :smiley:

He’s not just peeing, he’s spraying. Is he neutered? If he is, then the problem is harder to find. This is because he’s doing it to assert his authority over someone or something, or his displeasure.
Have there been any changes in the household? any new people? Cats? Dogs? Other things that move? Has anyone left? Did you change the furniture around.
I’d be inclined to take him to the vet, to be sure he’s not sick.
The vet can advise you in ways to break the cycle before it become habit.
Good Luck

Check - Since 1999

Nope, nope, nope, nope, and we did move last July, but this began way before that.

Healthy as a horse, but didn’t think to mention the pee problem to the vet.
And thanks, I’ll need it.

He LOVES to be spanked and will hike his rear for that, but I don’t see what that would have to do with peeing. :confused:
So I guess, unless the vet has any ideas, we’ve just got to live with the fact that kitty’s a squirter. :rolleyes: