My old female cat (don’t know exactly how old, but I’m guessing about 12) has a unique problem with her solid waste.
Her normal MO is to leave a regular, normal looking “gift” for me in the litter box. Then, after about 30 minutes, she returns to the scene and usually has a relatively loose bowel movement. This is also usually very stinky.
She is eating and drinking normally, although the food intake now is down a little because it’s gotten hot.
Is my cat coming down with something or is she just old?
This is the Veterinary Information Network, and the Petcare Forum consists of message boards, just like the SDMB, except that real veterinarians will answer your post. Navigate to the cats section, then try to find the appropriate area of the boards to post your question.
I’m sure it’s no substitute for an actual physical exam in person at the vet’s office, but they might be able to give you some problems which could possibly cause your cat’s litter box peculiarities, or perhaps let you know if this is nothing to worry about.