Our cat got back from the vet about a week and a half ago (he went outside and got his ass kicked again). His follow-up visit this week had the vet very pleased with his recovery (the entry wound is not infected; the exit wound is completely disappeared).
kaylasmom, meanwhile, has noticed that the urine in his litter box is smelling stronger than it has historically; that is, a LOT more ammonia component to the smell than there used to be. We haven’t changed the type of cat sand in the box (Tidy Cats for multiple cats, with odor-neutralizing crystals), or his food (at-will availability of Meow Mix and plenty of fresh water).
The vet found him to be in excellent health, other than his wound, and injected an antibiotic, as well as administering Advantage flea treatment between his shoulder blades.
Does anyone know if the apparent rise in ammonia in his urine could be fixed by changing his diet at all? Thanks in advance.