This is not nice. I hope someone loses a job over this.
Maybe they will.
If they used violence and tried to kill the men, they would keep their jobs. It is odd how that works. Racism, sexism, or other non-violent acts can get cops fired. Inappropriate use of lethal force will not.
I thought this exchange was kinda funny:
What would the racist fuck cop’s response been to other professions?
“Dishwasher? Washing dishes dirty with weed!”
“Data entry? Data about weed!”
“Software developer? Developing software to help manage the growing, curing, and distribution of weed!”
“Mayor of DC? Mayor of crack! I mean, weed!”
“Drug dealer? Umm… I got nothin’.”
It’s Philly. The city of brotherly love. Where they booed and threw snowballs at Santa. At least they weren’t throwing batteries.
Daily Caller isn’t exactly a news source. It’s more like somebody’s personal soapbox.
Here it is on ABC. Note: video starts playing automatically.
Acts of random disparagement are just so…Philadelphian.
So are you claiming we are not hearing what we are hearing on the actual video?
Smartphones should be used in landscape mode for video.
That’s reason enough to arrest them.
They’ll get to go on payed vacation for a few weeks.
But their superior will totally yell at them first.
Well, more relevantly, where the cops bombed their own (radical, violent) citizens and then let a city block burn down in the aftermath.Move - Wikipedia
They weren’t shot, raped, or beat to death. Problem?
To be fair that was a long time ago. They haven’t blown anyone up in almost 30 years.
I don’t know what the problem is. Its right there in their slogan.
“Come to Philadelphia and be randomly disparaged.”
To be even more fair, booing Santa Claus happened even earlier than that.
Apparently so. No matter what a rogue cop does, someone will always jump up to defend him - no matter what.
Jumping never solves anything.