Caught Riding Dirty.

Ayep. It’s skitchin’ without the board.

I’ve also skitched, both with board and with bike.

Ah, youth.

That’s just the way Urban Dictionary is. Usually the first few definitions are correct, especially if they’ve been repeated. You need to pay attention to the votes (and their ratio), as they indicate how many people agree (or disagree) with the definition. The definitions you quoted have relatively low acceptance scores (and high disagreement scores). Often, this is an indication that they are made up or used only by a small subset who want to make it popular.

It’s an unavoidable consequence of having a slang dictionary defined by its users. Some people are just gonna make stuff up, and others will vote it up for the pure hilarity factor.

Leaving a known drug house, pretext stop, extreme nervousness on routine traffic stop, canine sniff, voluntary search, etc.

It wasn’t me that used it as a cite, along with a veiled shot at “old fogeys,” so I can’t be blamed if it has little value.

I thought this thread was about having sex while driving. So I’ll have to change my “yes” to a “no.”