In an nutshell, two contestants on the show Survivor are in the news, because in an apparent effort to avoid being voted off the island, one of them, Jeff Varner, suggested that the other was a better choice for elimination due to his deceitfulness; as evidence for this character defect, he revealed that the second contestant was transgender. He himself is gay, and presumably ought to have had at least some insight into the proposition that there are circumstances in which keeping aspects of your life private arise from motives other than deceit.
The backlash on the show was apparently quick: his ploy failed and he was voted off.
When the episode aired, Varner was fired from his actual job as a real estate agent.
And this, too, makes sense. His job is primarily a public-facing one. There’s very little upside to controversy; I imagine very few clients will specifically seek out the guy and more than a few will specifically avoid him. In any event, whether it makes sense or not, it’s their call, and I certainly don’t suggest otherwise.
But . . . I’m reminded of an old Sam Kinison routine, where the comic would sorrowfully recount the commercials that urged us to send money to famine victims in Africa, describing the emaciated children and terrible scarcity of food. . . and then reflectively muse, “And then it occurred to me that. . . gosh, the film crew could give this kid a sandwich.” He imagined a director just out of frame screaming, “Hey, get that sandwich out of here! This shit doesn’t work unless the kid looks hungry!”
Here, I contemplate that for all the outrage directed against Varner’s unquestionably shitty behavior, he outed his fellow contestant to a small group of people on an isolated island.
CBS outed the man to a considerably larger audience.
I’m not a watcher of the show, and so there may well be an aspect of the story that I’m missing. But it seems to me that perhaps CBS, in the midst of proclaiming their sensitivity to the issue, is in effect off-camera screaming, “It doesn’t work unless he looks victimized!”