What is the deal with these new domains that I hear continuously blared on radio commercials? I know <i>.com, .org</i> and <i>.net</i> signify different types of websites. There’s even a <i>.ca</i> for Canadien sites, and I think <i>.uk</i> for British websites etc etc.
Who sets up with these domains? Are they based on protocol? Or does some evil duopoloy own them?
Are these new domains legit? Or is there a catch? Will my IE5 browser be able to download a <i>.tv</i> or <i>.cc</i> website???
Your browser will have no problem at all accessing these new top level domains, assuming whatever DNS (domain name server) you connect to has them in its database. And it will.
.tv is the top level domain of the nation of Tuvalo. They recently sold the rights to using it to some company, so that people that want www.something.tv can purchase it (presumedly for a website about a television show).
Network Solutions/InterNIC used to be the only place you could register a domain name, but now the field has been opened up. With it are coming new top level domains past the original 5 (.org, .com, .net, .edu, .gov) and the nationals (.uk, .tv, etc.).
Ralph Nader recently suggested adding several new ones, like .sucks and .isnotgreen, to be used as protest sites (like www.microsoft.sucks)..) He suggests some sort of mechanism to prevent companies from buying them all up (such as MicroSoft buying microsoft.sucks to prevent anyone from having it).
They’re country codes. [shameless plug]For my website, Http//:Come.to/thecrackhouse [/shameless plug] the “.to” part is a country code for Tongo. In this case,. they sell (or give 'em away with advertising banners) these as redirects and don’t actually offer website hosting. I forget which country “.tv” stands for, but I believe they’re doing the same. You should have no browser issues unless they use different language fonts as a lot of Japanese (.jp) sites do.
Another suggestion that has been making the rounds is for there to be a specific domain for “adult” sites, such as .sex or .porn .
Or perhaps .cum?
.org . . . ASM?
OK enough bad jokes. Time to kill Mr. Thread, Moderator. Thanks for the info Dopers!