CD player for my car

Okay all you…phonophiles? Is that a word? I mean those people who can give me some info on buying a good CD player for my car. Here’s what I want:

  1. Not too expensive (my car is old)
  2. Don’t need the fancy 6-CD changer thing
  3. Don’t want all the additional woofers, tweeters, whistlers, hummers or whatever those other things are.

Here’s the stats:

  1. My Chrysler vehicle has a very good standard speaker set up with an stereo and tape deck (which I think is starting to go).
  2. Want to go with something as inexpensive as possible but still provide good sound.

Are those portable ones you can plug into your current stereo any good? Don’t you have to use that weird cassette tape thing to get it to go through your car’s speaker system.

Help! This is what I want my hubby to get me for my birthday but I know he’ll say, “Let’s go buy you a CD player” and I’ll be the one picking it out (which is fine). I stand ready to be amazed and grateful for the technologically wonderous and excellent advice you will give. Bring it on!

I bought a JVC CD player for my car last year (I love it!) It was a little pricey but I do remember from shopping around that there are some pretty good stereos for less that $200.00.

I spent two days looking and recommend that you do the same since there is such a wide variety and prices. The place I bought my stereo was $25.00 cheaper than the store down the street and offered free installation. I saved $60.00 just by shopping around.

I don’t think I would mess with that cassette converter thing. Part of the installation of my stereo included taking out the old cassette/radio.


Coarse and violent nudity. Occasional language.

Those cassete adapters are totally useless. They work great when your not driving anywhere, but you lose all CD quality and they skip.

Hopefully you can replace the stereo in your car. Some newer models have been built with consoles that are shape unusually so that only stock models can be installed. This pisses me off and I won’t by a Ford because of it.

As for what kind to get, well if your not an audiophile then just get the cheapest one. Many brands are better than others, but unless you get all the accessories and speakers you wan’t hear it. I suggest checking at a Sam’s club, they frequently have a single model at a very good price. You’ll need to get it installed yourself, but thats not a big problem. Definately shop around.

I am fond of Kenwood, and Pioneer stereo equipment, but Sony is high quality. These brands are typically middle price range, but if you find a sale on them jump at it.

Some features to get, a detachable face with encryption and a built-in amp.