Celebrities/VIPs/Luminaries whose names phonetically join in the middle

eg - Don Knotts

Jonas Salk

All the power to you if you can come up with a vowel or ‘y’ connection.

Easy-E :stuck_out_tongue:

Jack Cassidy

Carol Lynley was originally Carolyn Lee. Does that count?

George Jones
David Duke
Sam McDowell (baseball pitcher and inspiration for Cheers character Sam Malone, who also fits)

Yoko Ono

Barbara Acklin

::consults “Celebrities/VIPs/Luminaries whose names phonetically join in the middle” Rulebook:::o

Sure, yeah, all good.
Carlos Salinas (Mexican prez '88 - '94)

Carlos Santana

William Morris

Paula Abdul!

What do I win!?!


Oh you win big, alright. You’ll have to double-work for it, though: https://www.google.ca/search?q=skittles&client=firefox-b&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjjosXE5avZAhUB5mMKHdZDBeMQ_AUICigB&biw=1029&bih=802
Sure, I could be a total nurl and contend that technically there’s an “uh” sound at the end of Paula, which doesn’t quite match up with the short vowel “a” sound beginning Abdul, however, in my venerable, fusty senescence I’ve come to roll with those punches with a veritable Red Buttons-like homespun charisma.
And warmth.
Leslie Easterbrook (actor) :wink:

Maury Yeston

Bob Barker

Richard Dawson

Hal Linden

Carole Lombard

Excellent “y” connection! (as I’m now realising that a ‘y’ connection will be a near-impossible phonetic one, given that the long ‘e’ vowel ending of Maury doesn’t meld with the consonontal ‘y’ beginning of Yeston.)

Also I’d consider the name Maury Yeston obscure enough (along with Prof. Pep’s Barbara Acklin) to warrant an accompanying livlihood descriptor.


Oh I’ll really enjoy this one…

Felix Silla (yup, you guessed it - Cousin It from “Addams Family”.:))

Bob Balaban - actor, filmmaker, total cool guy.

Carole Lombard

Roald Dahl

Beeb Birtles, co-founder of the Little River Band

Ralph Fiennes
Joseph Fiennes
Ranulph Fiennes

Fritz Zwicky, Swiss astronomer