Celebrities who you always wished you could see naked, who eventually go naked....

That’d work better for Tatum O’Neal. For Jodie Foster, you want to say something like, “and believe me, that was one freaky friday,” or “and believe me, it was more camel-toe than candleshoe,” or “and believe me, there was silence of my loins,” or “and believe me, she was the accused of being not all that hot,” or “and believe me, I did not want to make contact.”

And just in order to keep gaying up the thread: although it was an earlier movie, I only saw Virtuosity recently, which has a good bit of Russell Crowe’s ass. If you’re into that sort of thing. Which I am.

First off, my apologies for the link…I either didn’t notive the ad (a possiblity, at this point I’m become more or less oblivious to internet porn ads) or it was a less offensive banner ad when I posted it.

Secondly, Reese Witherspoon was briefly topless in the movie Twilight. Lucy Liu was even more briefly nude as a stripper in City of Industry.

(the links are to IMDB.)

Forget SOB. Get The Wrong Man (the one with John Lithgow, not the Hitchcock thing). Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

For Jodie Foster, you want to say something like, “and believe me, that was one freaky friday,” or “and believe me, it was more camel-toe than candleshoe,” or “and believe me, there was silence of my loins,” or “and believe me, she was the accused of being not all that hot,” or "and believe me, I did not want to make contact."QUOTE]
Very good!

Molly Ringwald in Malicious (topless).

Rene Russo in The Thomas Crown Affair (topless).

Jennifer Ehle in The Camomile Lawn (nude).

Saffron Burrows in Enigma (briefly topless).

Tia Carrere, Eva Herzigova, Belinda Carlisle, Elle Macpherson and numerous others have done nude layouts for Playboy.

Do a search on the term CNDB and all will (literally) be revealed…

Christina Ricci. And no, I wasn’t lusting after her in The Addams Family.


Sarah Jones from Survivor.

Her layout in Playboy was incredible. Her body is hotter than 99% of the bunnies.

Wow. The Prudery Sensor at work hasn’t refused to do a Google search before. Must be some pretty spicy stuff…

Folks, I ask a favor. I am not going to be able to check all the links that may get posted here, both for lack of time and for lack of desire. (When I wanna see a naked woman, I got my wife, I don’t need online fantasies.)

So… if anyone happens to post a link that others consider not workplace-safe, please hit REPORT THE POST, OK? I’d rather trust y’all and just check the ones reported as problematic, rather than play parent and look at everything. Deal?

Being a hugely lustful fan of Claudia Christian during the run of Babylon 5, I was quite thrilled to learn from a friend that she had a nude scene in Hexed and was very scantily clad in The Hidden. :slight_smile:

So I rushed out to blockbuster to rent the titles, only to discover that she’s quite obviously used body doubles in both films. :frowning:

However, there are some very good black and whites of her and a claighmore floating around the internet. And no, I don’t have a link.

You kids won’t remember this, but there was a time when you could go days without seeing Madonna naked. It was a big deal when some old nude photos of her got sold and she appeared on the cover of both Playboy and Penthouse on the same day.

Can I just say that I loved seeing Jodie Foster’s cute little boobs in Nell! She was so cute! What’s the problem? Is it just that her breasts are small, or do you have other complaints? I’m perfectly happy to hear of any guys who can not appreciate small breasts- that’s fewer guys I have to compete with.

Couldn’t enjoy the nudity in The Accused because it was during a violent scene, never saw Catchfire, but I absolutely LOVED seeing her CUT CUTE CUTE little boobs in Nell.

Just need to point out that her CUTE CUTE little boobs were not “CUT”- that’s just a typo. What I meant was that they were CUTE CUTE CUTE.

errm, and she did a Playboy spread dressed in sort of Barbarella-lite spacegirl gear.

During the height of my obsession with Dr. Who, I drove 90 miles to see the version of The Canterbury Tales (directed by Pasolini) with Tom Baker nekkid.

It was a short scene, but it was worth the drive. :smiley:

A few years bck, Brad pitt was caught sunbathing in the buff (by the pool in his Malibu estate). These pictures were being sold to the tabloids…and his lawyers filed lawsuits to block their publication. Did Pitt win? Can celebrities sue tabloids for using their images without permission?

A totally work-safe site that also gives the rundown on movie nudity without the softcore pop-ups is Screen-It, a site that folks who don’t like violence and sexuality in movies use to avoid films that contain them and that those who do like use to make sure they don’t waste their money on films that don’t have nekkid-folk in them.

And I for one find it quite offensive that CKDH feels those of us who want to see a naked woman should look at his wife, and think of how she must feel about the offer…

I still have yet to get my hands on Ewan McGregor’s more graphic movies. (Although I have seen stills, it’s just not the same-my local video rental sucks).