Celebrity Death Pool 2020

Jim Hanifan, former head coach of the (then) St. Louis Cardinals, dead at 87.

I just want to protest the sort order of these listings, which appears to be by points, then user name. The obviously correct way would be to sort by points, picks, unique picks, then name. This is important because, although I may be tied for 76th place, I clearly deserve to be listed above that bastard @a35362!

(Just kidding, a35362!)

Tony Hsieh, former CEO of Zappos, dies at 46.

And what a horrible way to go. I hope he was heavily sedated and never knew what happened to him.

Sorry, I’ll have to go back and check on the news here. I just got home from the hospital after being admitted Thurday, Thanksgiving morning, for an abcess.

Wow, hope you’re feeling better.

NASCAR pit crew member William “Rowdy” Harrell, 30, and his wife, Blakely were killed in a traffic accident while on their honeymoon.

I don’t mean to pee on anybody’s Twinkies, but how is a “tire carrier” in a pit crew a celebrity?

David Prowse, the body-builder formerly known as Darth Vader, and the Green Cross Code Man, has died aged 85 after a short illness, though he was not well for many years.

We’re running out of OG Star Wars actors fast.

I figured that, if he was well-known enough for his name to appear in the headline, he qualified. Besides, we’ve had lesser-known people appear in these lists.

Hey, I admit, I’m ignorant to the machinations of NASCAR. Maybe there are pit crew trading cards for all I know.

I’ll always remember him as the Minotaur from The Time Monster.

I hadn’t noticed it but you’re right. I just checked and there are only four actors from the main cast still alive.

First we mourn God, then Darth Vader. Were will this end?

On the IMDB first page (before “see full cast”) Only Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Anthony Daniels are alive. James Earl Jones is unaccredited and in “the rest of cast alphabetically.”

A fair number of X Wing pilots are alive (I’m going by character, not actor, names): Red Two (Wedge), Red Three (Biggs), Red Four (John D. *), Red Six (Porkins), and Gold Leader. In my not very thorough search, Commander #1 is the only remaining alive cast member before IMDB goes to “rest of cast alphabetically”


  • as a somewhat more than casual fan, I have heard of Biggs, Wedge, and Porkins but not John D.

ETA – if we add Empire and ROTJ, then we have Billie Dee Williams, Frank Oz, Ian McDiarmid, Michael Pennington (Moff Jerjerrod), and Kenneth Colley (Admiral Piett) among folks before “see full cast”.


I’d say the main cast of Star Wars (1977) were:

Mark Hamill - alive
Harrison Ford - alive
Carrie Fisher - dead (still sad about this one)
Peter Mayhew - dead
Alec Guinness - dead
David Prowse - dead
Anthony Daniels - alive
Kenny Baker - dead
Peter Cushing - dead
James Earl Jones - alive, not credited

I always think of David Prowse as Julian, carrying a sodden and bloody Little Alex in his arms.

Just letting folks know that the 2021 thread will be posted somewhat before midnight tomorrow. I’m not staryiing up to post precisely as the clock strikes twelve.

Nope, William Hootkins (“Top Men”) died in 2005.