Celebrity 'endowments'

Memphis lore holds that Elvis Aron Presley’s penis was in the >10-inch range. Ed Sullivan is said to have remarked after The Big E’s first TV appearance that he must have some sort of “appliance” in his pants, because no man could be that big.

In the documentary Crumb, I seem to remember Crumb’s ex-wife (I believe) saying that his unit was “one of the largest in the world”.

YIKES! :eek:

No wonder they called him ‘Roddy’.

That looks more like an actual piece of pipe than a male organ. I know if mine were in such a position I’d be in no small discomfort.

Look, I’m just going by what was mentioned about the picture. Whether it’s what it appears to be, that’s for everyone to decide.

Oh, and EwanMcGregor.Net is always good for “research” on this particular topic.

Roddy! How you doin’?


Not too well.

Yeah, but what a stiff!

Did they bury him with the lid open?

Or is it “stiffy?”


Speaking of Macs, I thought that Malcolm McDowell was pretty well hung. Wasn’t there a brief shot of his willy during the “William Tell Overture” scene in Clockwork Orange?

Nope. Weenie roast.

Not sure about that particular scene but he did fly his flag so to speak in the prison intake scene, and I believe he also showed his junk in If.

It was an ex-girlfriend, Dian Hansen, a self-described “career pornographer”, which would seem to make her opinion carry all the more weight.

Whoever that is in the photo, that’s not Roddy McDowell. I’ve seen swimsuit photos of Roddy McDowell, and this fellow in the picture has more musculature in his abs than Roddy had in his entire body.

Tab Hunter and Roddy McDowell (second photo on page).

That McDowell pic doesn’t look quite real. That said, now I know why Cornelius was always walking around hunched over like that. <boom crash!>

I’ve heard stories about Patrick Stewart. And, as a huge Sarek fan, I couldn’t help but notice an odd ridgelike object under his nightshirt as he lay on the Vulcan bed in ‘Unification Part I’. Nice…long…ridge.

He was barefoot (first time we ever saw Sarek less than impeccable) and I’ve always wondered since what else Mark Lenard wasn’t wearing under there…

Rumor has it that Pamela Anderson is pretty well endowed.

Who cares that the guy’s name is Peter? Look at the movie name!

It’s not at all uncommon for actors to tone up or tone down as a role replies. Brendan Fraser, for example, has been flabby in some of his movies and solid muscle in others. For a real extreme check out a shirtless Christian Bale in The Machinist and in American Psycho.