Celebrity Lookalikes

I found this celebrity lookalikes page: http://www.lookalikes-usa.com/list.cfm?NAME=michaeljackson

Some of them are really good. Princess Di, Jim Carrey, and Elizabeth Taylor to name a few, but some totally miss the mark. Harrison Ford? I don’t think so. He looks more like Bill Pullman. And Fox Mulder? Check that one out for yourelf.

I also like how celebrity lookalikes for non-whites, are just a person who is of the same ethnic background as the celebrity and may have no actual resemblence to said celebrity, such as O.J. Simpson, Louis Armstrong, and Gloria Estefan.

You’ve gotta check out the Pope too. Who else does he remind you of? (Hint) Imagine him without hair.


I used to date a guy who ran one of those Celebrity Lookalike Services. I think he liked me because I don’t look like anyone.

And I was at an audition years ago when some chick came in looking EXACTLY like Veronica Lake. Hair, makeup, face—it was eerie. Several people edged up to her and mentioned this; not only had no one ever told her before, but she had NEVER HEARD OF VERONICA LAKE. Even eerier.

There’s a guy in my office who’s a dead ringer for Tim Allen, but we’re all too polite to bring this up . . .

Hey, here’s an idea. While we’re at it why don’t we post links to any other Tom, Dick or Harry on the internet that may look like a celebrity, and we’ll guess who it’s supposed to be.

There was a woman in my statistics class that looked exactly like Darva “I was married to a multi-millionaire.” AND she was a nurse. Eeep.

An eerie coincidence that this thread just happened to start day; yesterday at lunch I had someone tell me that I looked like a certain famous person. This is the second time in six months that some stranger has come up to me and specifically stated that I look like this person.

Y’know, some guys have all the luck. They get to look like Bruce Willis or Paul MacCartney or a young Elvis, and everyone goes ga-ga over their looks.

Me? Apparently I’m a dead ringer for Salman Rushdie.

Thankfully, no death squads have made such a mistake yet. Yet.

Anyone ever notice these lookalikes?

Barbara Bush = Rosie the robot from “The Jetsons”

David Duchovny = Pogo

I get Sandra Bullock-ed a lot. I just don’t get what other people think they see…

Is that like a Dirty Sanchez?

mouthbreather, pardon my ignorance, but…uhhh, what?

I get Shirley MacLaine-ed all the time. The first time I was told this - about 15 years ago - I was highly insulted because I’m only about 50 years younger than her. The person had to explain that he meant the young Shirley - think The Apartment or My Geisha.

I mean, “fifty years younger than she is.” Boy do I hate it when I make grammar mistakes.

Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. My brother says the same thing about our brother-in-law.

Back in the early 90’s I got the Mariah Carey look alike story. Now that her hair is longer and straight, and mine is short, I never hear it anymore. Damn!!

Well, given the mustache and goatee, and if I don’t cut my hair for a couple months, I could get a couple “Gee, you look like Mr. Pink/Steve Buscemi” out of people. I don’t know whether to feel cool about it ('cos I liked Reservoir Dogs) or insulted (‘cos Steve is, um… well, not the best lookin’ guy on the block).

A lady once told me I looked like Val Kilmer. I think she needed glasses though.

Sorry, saucy, I couldn’t resist. Without going into detail, it’s a digusting sexual act. The mental picture of getting “bollock’ed” took me there.

Please feel free to put a “s” in the above post, wherever you deem it to be necessary.

Oh my! “Harrison Ford” looks more like Randy Quaid.

I used to hang around with this guy who looked just like Jean-Claude Van Damme. He used to get asked for autographs with some regularity. The weird thing was that he only looked like Jean-Claude Van Damme from the front. From the side, he looked like, well, himself I guess.

I apparently don’t look like anyone famous, but I do get told frequently, “Gee, you look just like my friend such-and-so.” Oh. That’s nice.

Also, when I was in high school, people in my hometown used to tell me all the time that they saw another girl who looked just like me, but I never saw her myself. Then again, maybe I did, and didn’t see the resemblance!

Anyone ever notice that Phil Gramm looks just like Yoda?

Sorry Phil, if you’re readin’. Heh.

I was told, by a guy at work that I looked like Tom Green (I think that’s his name… the guy who had the testicle cancer)

Except that my hair is buzzed short…
I kinda envy him though… he’s hooked up with Drew Barrymore… (my Goddess) :: drool ::