I’m 47 and somewhat of a luddite, being perfectly happy to do without many devices nearly everyone seems to consider necessities. I don’t carry a cellphone, tho I can imagine the benefits of one in certain situations - such as to call my wife to tell her when my train home is delayed or I’m otherwise running late. And they can certainly be useful tools for business, emergencies, etc.
I understand that’s just me, and I don’t want to appear to be criticizing folks who really enjoy their cellphones. But I would appreciate it if folks would explain to me their relationship with their cellphones, and how they view it with respect to their interpesonal relationships.
What caused me to start this thread was this statement in an MPSIMS thread about 3 guys in a bar who had just been joined by a stranger:
While texting his girlfriend about our newest acquaintance, Richard says, “What are you staring down there for? You counting your dollars?” Parker replied that he was just texting…
Now I’ve never sent a text message, tho I could imagine them being useful if my wife wanted to tell me to pick up a gallon of milk on the way home, or some other non0time sensitive message that someone didn’t really need to talk to me personally about. Or maybe as the equivalent of passing notes in class. But if I were in a bar with 2 friends, I can’t imagine wanting to text - or call - someone who wasn’t there just to tell them what was going on. And I can’t imagine anyone else wanting to hear about what I and my mates were doing in a bar.
I repeat, I don’t want to come across as criticizing such behavior (that will undoubtedly come later! ;)), I’m mainly interested in learning what appeal such behavior has for so many people.
Another thing that regularly amazes me is when two people will be talking, and one person’s cell rings and they simply start talking on it without so much as a “Excuse me.” I’ve always pretty much just assumed that just about anyone who was physically in my presence deserved better manners than just about anyone who might be calling on the phone, but that seems to no longer hold true.
I’ve had people in my office answer their cells, and I’ve told them to get the hell out of my office.
Finally, before this gets too long, on the train I often see people holding their cells in their hands, or pulling them out frequently to check them. To me, they almost convey an air of a “security blanket.” I really wonder what calls they are expecting/hoping for, that they need to check their phones multiple times in a 30-40 minute period.
I admit I’m an antisocial old git who has few friends and hates talking on the phone. But I’d appreciate at least understanding what so many folk find so useful/enjoyable about cellphones.