Hi I am new to the forum, but like to ask a question about my central AC unit. The AC unit (blower, compressor, condenser, air handling unit everything) runs fine during the day but normally shuts off around 5-6 in the afternoon. I reset the AC circuit breaker, check the fuse, the float safety switch, thermostat, etc) but nothing seem to make it run again. I called the AC repair guy who normally fix our AC unit but since it’s late at night he did not want to come out and asked to go up to the air handler unit in the attic and bypass the float switch, I didn’t not know how to do it but check the wires are tightly connected and not loose.
I gave it up but when I got up in the morning at 5am, the AC unit automatically run again just fine. it happened like this a couple times already. I don’t know if the timer/relay circuit is malfunctioning or what but don’t know for sure.
some tips/help to learn and figure out what the issue is.
A residential AC doesn’t have any kind of timer so we have two options to work with for why it’s shutting off at about the same time every day, both equally viable.
2)the power company is doing it. You should check on this one. In my neighborhood you can get a discount on your electric bill if you give the power company the ability to cycle off your AC during high demand times of the day. If that’s the case you’ll likely see some kind of box mounted to your house with by the compressor. Not the regular shut off, but a separate one as well that can receive RF signals from your power company.
Have you checked your T-stat?
Also, I’m going to ask a mod to spin this off into it’s own thread so we don’t keep bumping the old two year old thread.
I’m going out on a limb and thinking he probably has a condensation pump. While I’ve never, personally, seen one set up this way, his may be set up to shut down the entire system if it thinks it’s not working…or he thinks it’s set up that way.
Many (all?) condensing furnaces will shut down if the drain backs up with water, but that is, so far as I know, separate from the AC.