Centre For the Easily Amused

sorry for asking this here, but does anyone know what happened to this site?

I used to frequent it when I first came online and just noticed today that the domain has been changed to being owned by someone else

Ive done the obvious web search, to try and figure out if they just changed hosts/domains, but I cant seem to find anything …

Im wondering is this site gone for good? or did they just change domains and move? If they are gone for good, does anyone know if an archive or mirror of the site exists… i really miss it heh

thanks in advance for any help

If the site’s address was amused.com this is found from Google’s cache.

What language do you have Google set for, therealblaze? I can’t identify it.

I speak the language of the dead and the demons, the only language capable of conveying the arcanum arcanorum.

Well I wish, it’s just regular Finnish…

thanks therealblaze, unfortunatley that isnt it, that was a redirect to http://www.amused.com, the site that mysteriously was taken over by uproar

anyone else

btw, thanks for trying, I do appreciate it

i found some news concerning the site at an egroups forum

Hi Amuseketeers,

I’m afraid that I’m writing with news today that isn’t very funny.  I know
that a lot of you have been wondering what1s up, and I wanted to give you
the official explanation before you visit the site to find it gone.

As you may know, I created Amused over 6 years ago. 3.5 years ago I was
given the chance to sell the site to Uproar, quit my day job, and be hired
to run the site full-time.  It was a dream come true!

Uproar were recently sold to Vivendi-Universal, the folks who own Universal
Studios, and Uproar became part of their Flipside.com network.

In May Vivendi decided that Amused was not part of their 3future vision2 and
my staff and I were given our notice. They told us that although we were
profitable that they planned to shut down Amused.

I1ve spent 3 months trying to save Amused by putting in a proposal to buy it
back from them, but found out last week that they turned it down, so the
site will go offline in the next couple of weeks. You can imagine how sad I
am over this, even though I understand it1s business, not personal.

Dave, Kelsey, Snee & I have been working on a new site that will have lots
of similar content but with more of a community component. Sillygirl.com
should be ready in the next month, & if you subscribe to the SillyGirl
newsletter you1ll receive updates, jokes, etc. just like you1ve been
receiving from me in Amused News. Just send a blank e-mail right now (go
ahead, I1ll wait!) to sillygirlnews-subscribe@yahoogroups.com to get
started. You can unsubscribe to Amused News by hitting 3reply2 to this
message after you1ve done that.

I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for your support. It1s
been a wild ride, and I wouldn1t have changed anything for the world. I1m
really excited about the future, and hope to see you all at Sillygirl.com
and Sillydude.com!

Cathie "