Chaffetz to resign on 6/30

Story here.

Not even waiting for his term to run out. Wants to spend more time with his family.

How long until we hear the story behind the story?

Gone are the days when “a dead girl or a live boy” are the probable explanations.

He’s effectively pleading guilty to charges that haven’t even been made yet.

We know he, not Comey, was the leak to the public of the letter Comey wrote about Weiner’s e-mails. So did he get another one about Trump/Russia that he didn’t make public? Is he complicit that way, or some other way?

Did he resign because his committee was going to have to investigate its own chairman?

He was planning on flooding Clinton with investigations if she got elected.
He tried to bravely soldier on but life has no meaning now.


I saw speculation that it was a simple at that - I mean, that his path forward changed when Clinton didn’t get elected. So he’s going to Fox News to make his fortune there, since his previous career trajectory was no longer viable.

I’m going to miss his smug, smart-ass smile. Wait, let me rephrase that: I’ll be glad to not see it again.

Classic ‘flight to avoid prosecution’. Fuck him.

Is he the one rumored to be having an affair?

There’s something fishy going on: anyone who has known a teenager knows there is absolutely zero chance that a 16-year-old girl would want to “reconnect” with her father.

Jason Chaffetz is the only politician anywhere on the national political scene who I honestly want to punch in the face. Gawd he’s a schmuck.

Not even Mitch McConnell?

Someone already beat you to it.

Well, if he suddenly takes a gig with Russia Times and relocates his family to Moscow…

Nope. I mean, I’d enjoy punching that weasel too but I think I’d have a harder time resisting such urges if I were to actually meet Chaffetz.

… and, WRAP!

He’s joining Fox News as a “contributor”, whatever that means.

It means he gets paid more to have a larger soapbox from which to proclaim his message.

He’s the guy who made the remark about poor people having to decide between paying for health insurance or the new iPhone. I’m glad he’s going.

I guess he won’t need that housing stipend anymore.

He’s just making a principled stand for congressional term limits… :stuck_out_tongue: