I personally believe Trump’s chances of winning the election are on par with the chances of a Trump University graduate finding value in the “investment”.
However with that said, does anyone else think if the Orange Judas wins that there is a good chance he ends up being impeached inside of his first and only 4 years? I mean the the guy has a legitimate case of narcissism at best and may be downright bat shit crazy.
Trump is the picture of polarization like no President before him and he will fight with his own party. He has been on good behavior the last month or so, but if he wins his ego, arrogance and narcissistic condition will only grow and i TRULY believe he will try and do something VERY stupid to the point his own party will turn even further away from him and an impeachment is possible if not semi-likely… No?
I remember that, if not by design, the Republican VP is usually someone that many does agree that it should be more dangerous to all if they become president. (Dan Quayle, Dick Chaney)
So kinda like an insurance against impeachment.
In this case I do foresee a lot of willingness to get rid of Trump to get Pence as president.
I don’t have any faith in republicans in congress to care about legality or morals. The only reason they’d impeach is if they thought Pence would push their agenda harder.
Seeing how Trump has no real interest in governance, and basically just wants adulation he is the perfect puppet in many ways. He will sign whatever congress gives him just so long as he thinks millions of people will applaud his name for doing so (and getting the fox news audience to do so will be easy). So I do not see the GOP impeaching him no matter how immoral, dangerous or illegal his behavior becomes.
I checked out the comments at the end of that piece. No support for the idea, but quite an enlightening back-and-forth between an alt-right brownshirt and a somewhat horrified Pubbie who doesn’t seem to know what to do about this monster that’s been invited to swell the GOP ranks.
It sure is possible, although I think invoking the 2/3 Cabinet + VP rule would be much better, because it would make the process less partisan, and there are no Congressmen/Congresswomen for Trumpers to take their wrath out on.
The only way I see it is if Trump is so horrible that 2018 is a massive wave year for the Democrats, with even red state senators losing their seats. Assuming Trump is that horrible he could be impeached after the midterms. Under this scenario I’m assuming that Pence is impeached at the same time and the Democratic speaker becomes the next POTUS. But I think the only way this happens is if Trump is such a disaster that he is easily the worst POTUS ever, like an order of magnitude worse than James Buchanan and Andrew Johnson (who are probably the two worst ever).
I think it’s very unlikely…because once the House Judiciary Committee returns a decision recommending impeachment, Trump will resign rather than accept the House vote.
I have to agree with this. As long as a president Trump was rubber stamping a Republican congress’ ideas, and simply going to big rallies and appearing on talk shows… they would not care what he got up to.
He could turn the Whitehouse into a whorehouse, and hang his enemies from poles on the front lawn, and the Republicans in congress would tut-tut about how unseemly this was… and do nothing.