Change my username?

OK, I’ve thought about this for a while, and I think it’s time I changed my username. I mean, I AM bouv, but I just don’t think that bouv is enough of a name to account for anything, here. No one remembers bouv, it’s not unique, it’s not fun, it’s not anything. FireUnderpantsBoobs is a name you remember, 1920’s Style Death Ray you remember, but bouv? Nah.

Bouv is who I am IRL, though. If I walk around campus, my friends don’t say, “Hi, Andrew,” they say “Hi, bouv.” As a matter of fact, aside from my family, I can probably count on my hands the number of times someone who knows me well has called me Andrew in the past year. So although it is fine and good for my real life dealings, I don’t know if it fits here.

So I am now open to suggestions for a new doper name. I realy have no idea what I would like, so just start thowing out ideas! And if enough people say so, maybe I’ll stay as bouv…but don’t count on it.

maybe you can work a deal with GuanoLad to trade

How about BouvAndrewWhozzat?

Or NotBouvAnymore?

Or let’s just get Mangetout in here…

that sounded weird

I love ** bouv **, puts a smile on my face. I think it reminds me of bovine and then I go right to moo and smile. I wonder what it’s like to be normal.

If you do change your username, please be sure to make a post in the Official Record of Name Changes thread. Thanks. :slight_smile:

To me, bouv reminds me of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis. Classy lady, that one. Or just the upper-class segment of society, anyhow.

What about I’m Bouv, Not Andrew! for a change? :smiley:


Suggestions off the top of my head:


B to the O to the U to the V

That Bouv With Pants

Abouv and Beyond

Death from a bouv**

A Slice A Bouv The Rest

A Bouv Us He Waves

Heavens! A bouv!

I liked bouv even before I knew it was actually part of your name.

But capitalized it.

Capitilize? Never.



Well, I’d have to be wearing pants for that one to work.

Gotta tell you the same thing I just told GuanoLad. I think you should keep the name because it’s YOU.

If you do decide to change it, though, try to keep bouv in there somewhere for those of us who are username challenged. I think it should be a rule that those of you who change your name should have a mandatory .sig that tells who the hell you used to be.

Here’s a suggestion:

The Doper Formerly Known as bouv :wink:

[sub]Hey, at least it’s not some flakey symbol**

I’m strongly of the opinion that you should keep bouv as is. One of my favorite usernames here, actually.

I bet you say that to all the boys who change their usernames…

Actually, I do remember seeing bouv around, if only because I’m constantly thinking of a bouvier typing furiously with his paws. I find your name easier to remember than thinks like FireSomethingSomething. It’s not your name but the content of your posts that people remember. So don’t go changing it for my sake.

Don’t have a good suggestion, though. Maybe look for someone or something you admire?

Is there anyone else (besides green_bladder) who’s wondering how come there are two name-change threads currently up and Mangetout is nowhere to be found?


If you change it then you’re not being true to yourself. Stay gold, stay bouv…