Characters kids can easily imitate...

In my sunday school lesson for tomorrow I want the kids (high school) to do some imitations.

So far I have Keanu Reeve, Donald duck, Scooby Doo…

…what are some others they could do?

AH! Napoleon Dynamite!


Superman, Frankenstein.

mmmmmmmmmmgrrrrr…Frankenstein gooooood…grrrrrrrr

Homer Simpson?

Jenna Jameson?

Your mom does a great Jenna Jameson. :stuck_out_tongue:

George W. Bush?

Daffy Duck? Bugs Bunny? Pinky and/or The Brain?

Donald Trump?

Tyra Banks…

William Shatner…

Mickey Mouse…

what is the purpose of this exercise?

Vader and Yoda.
Pro Wrestler?

President Bush

Christopher Walken.

Yoda is good.

The purpose of the excercise is to have them imitate these characters. Hopefully they will adjust their voice, their words, he way they walk, their very demeanor to emulate the person they are trying to emulate.

Then we will talk about how we are to emulate Jesus. How do we change our words? our actions? our priorities to imitate him?

At the end of class I will play “My Jesus” by Todd Agnew…if anyone is interested, here are they lyrics…

Which Jesus do you follow?
Which Jesus do you serve?
If Ephesians says to imitate Christ
Then why do you look so much like the world?

I think that sounds like a pretty cool excersize. I would probably ask the kids if they can think of any character that they can imitate, as well. Maybe have one suggest to you (away from the others for a moment) the name of a character and see how well the other children do at acting/guessing it…perhaps that is a bit much…
Good luck!



He sings “sluts”? I’ve only heard that song on K-LOVE so it must be
edited out as being “not family-friendly”. The rest of the song they play intact,
however, so it must be “family friendly” for the Lord to hang out with thieves and liars.G

We want to avoid copyright infringement by not allowing the full posting of lyrics, newscrasher, so I’ve removed your excess lyrics. What you can do is just quote a few lines and link to the rest.

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