Charlie Sheen Roast Uncensored?

He said he was dressed up as the world’s biggest dictactor to roast to world’s biggest dick.

I that that was his Roastmaster General costume. (Like the Surgeon General, who also officially wears a uniform.) He also got a Producer credit, which indicates that he probably helps to put the shows together. Somebody had to hire the 16 writers listed.

True. However, didn’t this roast have an ulterior motive–namely, to rescue the reputation of Sheen’s increasingly and evidently base, abject character? Roasts are usually done for someone who is well-liked, which is a kind of cushion for those jokes that push the line. This whole roast seemed to be an attempt to work in the opposite direction.

I don’t think that joke was over the line. Ryan Dunn wasn’t the butt of the joke, Steve-O was.

Steve-O deserves all the abuse that can be foisted upon him.

My wife especially liked the “going away party for Patrice’s foot” joke.

Look for the uncensored version late on a friday or saturday nite coming soon.

Saw this thread and had to pop in to drop a couple sense…I mean cents :D:

I thought there were more funny jokes in this one than some others I’ve seen, that being said, it still kinda’ sucked, plus, Sheen didn’t learn his lesson. At the end, it seemed like all the roasters were disappointed that that asshole jumped up after all those punches and just started swinging back at them, and still going on about how he’s the greatest and no one can kill him, etc. Damn, he sounds like Mike Tyson, except he got his steroids from Mars, and pronounces his S’s much better :D.

On another note, people really need to stop talking about Charlie. We need to treat him like Mab in the Merlin movie when Merlin finally turned his back on the old witch and she vanished because she’d been forgotten. It’s just like that, the crazy Sheen will just go away if we all ignore him, and things like that roast didn’t help the situation. More people know who Charlie Sheen is now than they ever did before his meltdown. At least the bastard is right about one thing though, he is winning, and all this media coverage concentrated on him is why. One of the reasons he had the meltdown is cause he woke up one morning and realized he was headed downhill and stuck on a TV show that no one was watching. So not only has he hit his mid-life crisis, he also decided to cut his losses, smoke a shit-load of crack, then sit down in front of his webcam and revert back to childhood as he kicked, screamed, and threw the mother of all temper tantrums. Amazingly, everyone paid attention, and over-night, the name Charlie Sheen went from being an after-thought, to the most used words of the century.

Okay, I’m stepping down now, and taking my soapbox with me…:smiley:

Oh, and no, I don’t know when they’ll put the roast up uncensored, but most likely on a Fri. night sometime afer 11:30 or midnight.

Wasn’t it (“2.5M”) the highest-rated show on TV? And wasn’t he the highest-paid sit-com actor in history?

Where was Lisa Lampinelli.? She would have creamed Sheen.

I truly think that this roast would have been loads better with Lisa Lampinelli and Whitney Cummings on board. And it just reinforces exactly how great Greg Giraldo was at these things.

I wouldn’t know, I don’t pay attention to sit-coms, and every time I saw Two and a Half Men in the line-up I immediately avoided it, mostly because the name sucks, but also 'cause I couldn’t stand watching Sheen in a TV show. IMO, TV is for those who’s careers are either ending, or just starting out, like SNL for example, starts the person’s fame, then when they’re all beaten down and no one cares anymore, they come full circle and end up with a 2.5M-like thing when they should just take the hit to their wallet and bow out gracefully, allowing everyone to remember who they were, instead of what they’ve become…but that’s just me I guess.

So not only do you not pay atttention to sitcoms in general but you specifically avoided this one, and yet you feel qualified to pontificate about the nature of sitcom actors* in general *and the one you’ve avoided the most in particular?:dubious:

I liked the roast. It was amusing enough. Steve-O and Mike Tyson should not have been there. They need to quit bringing in these types and just stick to comedians. Although Tyson Homer joke to Seth was killer but would have been better if a real comedian did the joke.

And no roast should be without Lisa Lampanelli.

Have you been living in a cave for the last decade? Two and a Half Men is (and has been for years) one of the most watched shows on television. It’s ridiculously popular. So much so that it’s on in syndication for an hour on many local stations across the country. And not only was it popular, but Sheen was paid a shit-ton of money to do it. But that’s all gone now that Sheen had his meltdown.

And how can you claim that Sheen is more well known after his meltdown? You realize that a) he starred in one of the most popular shows on TV for the last decade and b) was a pretty famous movie actor right until he jumped to TV.

The roast was okay I guess. It was nothing compared to either the roast of Flavour Flave or Bob Sagett, which I found goddamn hilarious. The roast is uncensored on Thecomedynetwork website right now.

I have a feeling that Giraldo was a big driving force in getting comedians on these things. Since he died, there has been lower and lower grade comedians every roast.

Don’t worry, I’ve seen a few sit-coms, I know how they work:

guy walks in, says something he didn’t realize was offensive because of a situation that just took place, girl gets mad and storms out, other people in the room make off-handed remark, audience laughs.

Most of it seems to be situational, which isn’t a bad thing, but you’d think they could do something else once in a while. Any humor, however, is totally destroyed once the canned laughter takes over. Fawlty Towers was one of the few that could still make me laugh despite that. How these things still air on TV is beyond me, it’s not funny, and the material generally sucks. Katt Williams, Chris Rock and Daniel Tosh are really the only true comedians in the world, and Chris is losing his edge a little. As you can tell, it takes something truly hilarious just to get a smile out of me, and something has to hit me perfectly to get that much desired ‘rolling on the floor’ effect.

It’s debatable whether I have or have not been living in a cave, I’m sure a panel of judges could make a ruling on the cave side though. Yes, I’m almost positive that Sheen was slowly fading into non-existence, or at least to me he was. When I heard the news about the meltdown, I had to stop and think for a while…who is Charlie Sheen? I knew the name was familiar, I just couldn’t place it at first, and then it hit me…oh, yeah, he played in all those movies (hot-shots one and two came to mind first). Then I found out he was playing in 2.5M, and I said to myself…that’s who that was, I thought I recognized that face…but WTFF is he doing playing in a TV show…that’s gotta be driving him absolutely nuts…he’s a movie star. That’s when I realized what he was doing, he may have been getting paid well, but it wasn’t what he envisioned for himself, he wanted something more than that crappy shit. Pulling non-sense jokes on a stage so a bunch of couch potatoes could get a quick laugh…it’s no wonder he keeps saying he’s got tiger blood, that’s 'cause he felt like a freakin caged tiger…and I know what Katt Williams says about tigers, you don’t lock them up in a cage that’s for sure, and if they are in a cage, don’t go in there…whatever you do.


So Carroll O’Connor, to name one of many movie actors who found his greatest success on TV, was a sell-out has been for taking a character that became a U.S. icon and you know him primarily for his filmwork?

How many have there been since then? He only died a year ago(51 weeks, actually).

This may sound sad, but I do actually know Carrol O’Connor from Kelly’s Heroes. Of course I did have to look him up 'cause I was unsure of who you were talking about, and the wiki on him mentioned a bunch of TV shows, but the only thing I recognized was the movie…Uh-oh (does self-awareness check), maybe I am really weird…of course, I’ve only recently started watching regular TV, before if I wanted to watch something I’d have to rent it or buy it, my parents turned the TV off when they walked in and found my brother watching something they thought was inappropriate, HA, that’s a laugh, TV’s multiplied the meaning of the word since then. Case and point, the CC Roasts.

Two that have aired. Donald Trump on March 15 of this year, and the Sheen roast from Monday night. I don’t know if others have been filmed, but not announced.