Charlie Sheen Roast Uncensored?

So you’re almost positive? Well, I guess it doesn’t matter because even if you’re positive positive you’re still wrong. There’s no objective way to measure it where Sheen comes out less popular than he was right before the meltdown. Oh, you say his star was fading? Well, the TV show that was watched by more people than practically any other show on TV would beg to differ.

Quit backpedaling and just say “I was wrong.” It’s OK. It’s not a swear. You can do it! We believe in you [starts slow clap].

Na, I think I’ll stick with my guns on this one: Charlie felt like a caged tiger, so he figured he’d pull a Britney (meltdowns seem to be the new fad), and hope for the best. Sorry to bust your bubble, but not only does media love bad news, gossip and all-around chaos and mayhem, so do people, so now people, whether they realize or not (people are just sheep BTW, and Charlie knows this very well), they actually love Sheen now, possibly more than he’s ever been loved before. Sure it’s a darker love, they trick themselves into thinking they hate him, then turn around and watch everything he’s doing. Something tells me that Charlie’s movie sales have sky-rocketed as well, I’m sure everyone wants to re-watch his stuff now.

This is hilarious, sometimes I get better laughs off the Dope than anything else. Of course that may be because I have to put on a funny voice in my head when people are being sarcastic or dramatic or something. Thanks, I will continue to wear the smile this gave me for the rest of the day.

P.S.: I apologize to the O.P., it was not my intention to hijack this thread. My first post did get a little off topic, but was mainly about Charlie and the Roast. Now it seems that some jokers have dragged this into a general discussion of crappy sitcoms and hollywood strategies…Sorry bout that, we can take this somewhere else if you like.

You feel Katt Williams compares FAVORABLY to Chris Rock, or even Daniel Tosh?

Just. . .wow.

Yeah, you’re right, Chris and Daniel pale in comparison to Katt’s super intelligent ‘tell it like it is’ stand-up…I was just trying to come up with some people who could possibly step in the ring with him and not get a KO’ed in the first round…my apologies Katt…

Well, everyone has an opinion. Some of them are more unusual than others.

I saw Katt Williams once when he was dropping the n-word so frequently I honestly wondered if he had Tourettes. He was using it as a spacefiller, not even in the context of the sentence. (“So I drove down the street nggr and got my car wished nggr and saw this old cop nggr…” type usage.)

Giraldo was one of the comedians that most other comedians appreciated. He was very smart (he was a practicing lawyer at one time in his life, with a law degree from Harvard), very sharp. It seems that most of the other comedians couldn’t understand why he wasn’t a bigger name (I confess that I’d never heard of him until the roasts). I think it was the respect and friendship that was such a big draw for the roasts.

One of my favorite moments in his career was him shutting Denis Leary down on Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn. At about the 3:00 mark.

I don’t know why Lampinelli wasn’t on this one, but Cummings is crazy busy at the moment with two new fall shows. Besides “Whitney” which she created, produced and stars in, she’s also the co-creator and producer of “2 Broke Girls” which is also based on her life (the Kat Dennings character is based on Cummings).

Heh-heh!:smiley: Leary looks genuinely pissed a couple of times because he has no comeback.

My favorite Giraldo moment was his contrast of Civil War letters to Iraq War letters. About 2:15 Greg Giraldo - Katrina and Civil War Letters - YouTube

Katt warned me about you…


I don’t think that’s a big deal. Michael J Fox was just in an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where he played himself in a feud with Larry David where he kept hiding behind his Parkinsons disease. So clearly he has a sense of humor about it. Apparently Parkinsons makes his feet cramp up and the only relief is to stomp loudly around his appartment with big boots on.:smiley:

Katt Williams is fucking hysterical. Chris Rock is, of course, amazing. I do not, nor will I ever, understand the infatuation people have right now with Daniel Tosh.

Not that I’d ever defend Daniel, he’s dug his own grave so let him get out of it on his own, I say, but he does a fairly good stand up (Tosh.0 sucks, really really bad, like ass, and some other things). If only he could become a little more humble and a whole lot less racist, I think he’d go a lot further in my eyes.

Before th Tosh.0 fans rip into me, just let me say I do sometimes watch it for the stuff that is actually funny, but for the most part the show goes too far way too often, and as soon as the delinquent, juvenile puking stuff happens, I immediately change the channel…with a hastened quickness. I actually watch it with one finger on the button, ready to shut that joker down fast. :wink:

Seth McFarlaine was hilarious. “You know him best from me saying his name right now.”

“Anthony Jeselnick, you want to be the next Greg Giraldo. And let me say this: I hope you are.”

That one took me a second. THAT’S how you deliver a zinger.

I do want to give him credit for telling it like it is, but… his spot-on critique that people were catching shit they didn’t deserve, some of which was transgressive without being funny and traded in exploiting human sadness was somewhat undermined by the mystery of how he apparently didn’t know that was the whole point of the format.