Charlotte Dopefest: Interested?

Zoinks! Has it come to that? A guy can’t take a simple poll without owning the fest? :wink:

Not even at the peak of hyperbole could one call what I’ve been doing “planning,” but since it’s come to this, how about this: everybody look at the week of February 23 and let us know what nights are no good.

I’ll start: Monday (24) and Thursday (27), no good.

Jinkies! I might be out west that week. I’m going to visit my brother in Phoenix and going to a wedding in Sacramento. I’ll have to check and see exactly what days those are.

I can only make it to a weekend fest. Is a Saturday evening an option?

Sure thing, Slainte! I’ll mark Sunday through Friday as “no good” for you.

Yes, I made up and printed out a little spreadsheet to keep track. What’s your point?

You’re a dear, KneadToKnow :slight_smile:

Of course, the Earth does not revolve around me… so, if it can’t be a weekend fest, I’ll understand completely & I’ll be there in spirit (and try to make it to another CharlotteDopeFest some other time).

Week of Feb 23- all nights are good for me. Woo!

Wakie-wakie, snow-bound Charlotte-area Dopers!

Anybody else checking their calendars?

I’ve narrowed it down to…
Saturday nights work good for me, as are M-F nights…I’m flexible, and I’m willing to prove it.
Zette, come spring/summertime, on Wednesday nights here in Monroe (straight up 74 about 20 miles or so) we have a biker get together at Buffalo’s. Usually about 100-150 bikers show up, on all kinds of scooters. If you’re interested, I’ll let you know when it cranks up. It’s a great way to meet the locals and see some kewl bikes.

super- please do let me know! My husband and I will be there!

I might be able to lift my “I Hate Charlotte” ban for a DopeFest. Any weekend’s good for me. I have no life. sigh

Hell, I ain’t workin’ and can make it anytime. Long as there’s beer. Lotsa beer. Uh… Oh yeah, food too. :slight_smile: I’ll need to get a room though, try not to schedule it when there’s a convention going on or something like that there. How will we know when and were when you decide?

It’s looking like it will probably be either Feb. 21st-23rd or Feb 28th-Mar 2nd. I’m sure this thread will stay updated until then.

Either of the dates that Cisco mentioned should work for me.


Based on what I have so far, around seven or eight of us can make it on the 28th or 1st. That sounds Festive.

That would work for me.

superbee, you still in? Should I look into a hotel or is the offer of a night at Casa de superbee still a possibility?

How exciting! An out-of-state Dopefest. :slight_smile:

Works for us! Bump this thread as a reminder shortly before the date, and provide directions to the place where we’ll dine, if you would!

Doesn’t that just figure – anything Raleigh can legitimately claim as its own, Charlotte makes a bogus claim to! :wink:

Well, kids, we’re getting pretty close to our chosen date. I guess it’s about time to start getting our count firmed up … does anyone know if Rock Bottom takes reservations?


I was wondering where all of you had gone off to.


I think I’m up for the drive, though keep in mind I 'm blonde, and so will need clear and explicit directions.

Anybody who wants directions and/or a nametag, please e-mail me. For directions, please be sure to tell me where you’re coming from.