Chat with the Prez

Here’s a bot that uses quotes from Bush’s speeches to respond. It’s a hoot.

W: A good credo is short and to the point. I need to work very closely with you.
Me: So you want me to help you beat the Democrats in 2004?
W: I want to thank your Governor for traveling with me today. It’s an honor to be in a presence who has made public education his top priority.
Me: I’m not the governor. You were once governor of Texas. Are you referring to yourself in the third person?
W: What is the significance that you are not the governor? He’s the kind of fellow who does in office that which he says he’s going to do. It doesn’t matter what your political party is, as far as I’m concerned. What matters is - in this case, what matters is he does - he kind of defeats cynicism by performing. And therefore, what I was going to say is, it doesn’t matter what your party is, you have got to admire that in a man. I want to help you while you are not the governor Ryan! No one is going to threaten the governor of the state of Texas. My job is to enforce the laws of the state of Texas. That is my job and that is what I intend to do.
Me: Stop enforcing the laws, your gubnatorial days are over. What I want to know is if you want me to be your 2004 political advisor. You mentioned how close the 2000 election was.
W: Not over my dead body will they raise your taxes. I want justice. There’s an old poster out west, as I recall, that said, “Wanted: Dead or Alive.”
Me: Are you planning to kill me?
W: I want justice. There’s an old poster out west, as I recall, that said, “Wanted: Dead or Alive.”
Me: I think you’ve got the wrong guy. You’re looking for a guy who wears a turban and rams airplanes into major landmarks.
W: You’re the kind of guy I like to have in a foxhole with me. I am looking forward to it!
Me: Goodbye, Mr. President. I never thought you were insane until today.
W: Sometimes when I sleep at night I think of “Hop on Pop”. Good bye Ryan.