Check out this freaky virtual head! (non-sexual, sorry)

OK that’s really cool, is there a way to set it as my desktop?

I thought this was going to be about Prof. Ishiguro’s Geminoid. (SFW)

My first job out of school was working on technology like that.

Our rendering of mouth movements wasn’t as nice, nor was our attachment of the “skin” to the 3D grid. There was always something screwed up looking about it.

We had separate 3D eyes, and a 3D Grid for the head. We attached a texture map to it at certain points, and the whole thing could rotate, stretch, move. They seem to use the same solid body rotations, and deformations for the human and the dog, just different textures, and underlying deformations of the head model.

Even the smiling probably applies the same transformation to whichever head model they’re using.

Like I said, our overall rendering wasn’t as nice, but we were working on being able to create one of those for YOU in a few minutes if you sat down in front of a web cam.

We also had technology that would follow your head in real time as you looked into a web cam, and make the face on the screen mimic your movements. That’s not as easy as making it follow a mouse, but it’s pretty well established technology.

It was designed to be super fast video conferencing. We didn’t have to send a video stream, but just the original image (one time) and information on how to update it. Very small number of bytes.

Some of the same mathematics had interesting military applications, too.

I first started seeing that technology about 1999.

What I wanna know is, when can I get a copy of that software Mangetout linked to on YouTube? :slight_smile:

That would be about right.

I joined them in 2000.

The final example gave me chills.

Seems like it’s a matter of it loading very,very slowly. On DSL it took several seconds to load up.

The dog looks like an ewok.

I am laughing to the point of tears over this one! That dog is so… weird!! For some reason it reminds me of a friend of mine…!

The dog is truly weird - it’s like someone trained a conical blob of jelly to imitate a dog - if amorphous protoplasmic aliens invaded Earth and started trying to imitate dogs, but without having seen a living example- that’s exactly what I’d expect it to look like.

[sub]hewp, i’m scerd[/sub]