
??? Yes, of course.

I agree with calm kiwi cept this is something done among friends. We do this whole air kiss and “dahling! how wonderful to see you! that outfit looks better every year! one of these days, it’ll be back in style!” thing with each other. I’d hate it or actual kisses on the cheeks from anybody else.

Course, a certain burly gentleman gets full on the mouth til he turns blue kisses, but nobody else. A little Wednesday TMI just for you! :smiley:

I wasn’t sure. I still regularly peck both my parents on the mouth, but most my friends don’t. I guess it varies family-to-family.

Anybody slip their Dad a little tongue?

No, no I didn’t think so.

Well, if I were Angeline Jolie, it could happen. :eek:

Cheek kissing always struck me as slightly pretentious, unless you live in a region where it’s the cultural norm.

What really bugs me is how a co-worker of mine will “hug” me, meaning she goes through the motions of a hug, but barely touches me. What the hell is the point of that? I usually just grab her and pull her into a big bear hug when she does it. Listen lady, if you’re going to hug, then hug! :smiley:

The norm here in London seems to be a kiss on the cheek as a greeting. Coming from Australia, I wasn’t used to kissing as a greeting, but now I’m expected to kiss most women I meet (plus the gay boys).

I occasionally make the MWAH! sound, but it’s just a joke.