Sometimes, those of us in the states would like to be able to take advantage of a Canadian offer < cough Rosenborg Cheese cough > if only they’d let us. I mean, like I’d actually give money to these folks for one of their cool calendars (I’ve mailed off for last year, but I wanna gripe about '09 here) if they’d ever reply to any of my emails. Sheesh. I buy their product and I want their ‘12 heavenly recipes in monthly form’ in return. < grump > Why isn’t an American address not good enough when you’re willing to pay for the privilege of bleu cheesy goodness shipped across the boarder?
Harumph. I think I’ll go make a salad with ranch dressing instead, just to spite 'em. :mad:
Thank you Canadiangirl! That would be awesome. And I have no problem whatsoever getting a Spiegel catalog for you and then mailing it over. I’ll PM you with all the pertinent information.
Anyone else think a thread like she suggests would do well? It’s a swell idea, in my humble opinion. Perhaps I’ll check with the powers that be to see if it’s okay to start something like that. Wish us luck.