Cheesy tv commercials pushing WFH (work-from-home) web sites

I’ve been seeing this commercial a lot lately, promoting a website which is allegedly the gateway to WFH riches. While being careful not to make a lot of get rich quick promises, the actors pretty much promise that you will get rich, and quick!

Well today I saw the same commercial, but the website URL was slightly different. Instead of, it was for ]

The commercials are so cheesy and full of bad acting, I thought maybe they had been evicted from their “1” site and had to open up shop at “3”. But no - both sites are up and running, and they appear to be identical right down to the fine print:

Of course you know what I did next. I looked at all permutations of the URL from 1 to 9. They are all identical with the exception of 4 which doesn’t appear to be owned by anybody yet, and 2 which looks different but is still a WFH site.

Question: What’s the point? Why have two or more tv commercials that send you to what appears to be the same web site? Why have I seen the commercials for “1moremoney” and “3moremoney” but not “6moremoney” or any of the others?

Second, what do you suppose the site offers? They are going to get my snail mail and email address at the very least, so I guess it could be a bunch of address phishing sites. But again, why eight or nine identical web sites, and why do they (at least two of them) have their very own tv commercials?

No facts, but a couple of guesses.

  1. They could have multiple sites in multiple jurisdictions, so if one gets shut down, the others keep going.

  2. They could be using multiple addresses to gauge the effectiveness of their ads on different TV stations. Back in the good old days, this was a favorite technique of mail order houses. If station X generated 3X more responses than station Y but the costs were similar, it’s obvious station X was a better bargain to the advetiser.

Maybe the other sites are being advertised in other places.

This is the most likely scenario. It’s the same thing as the commercials where the announcer says “Call the number on your screen right now.” They show different phone numbers in different markets to track the success of their advertising.

Also, there is sometimes an agreement where they pay the station extra based on how many responses come in from that station. So the separate phone number help keep track of these ‘commissions’.

That’s even more common when it’s a product being sold. The ad says to mail your money to a local address (usually the station) or call this number (usually a local one, often in the stations’ switchboard). Then they send you the product (which the station got a wholesale price), or, more often, they pass your name & address and your money (minus a commission the station keeps) on to the supplier, who sends you the product.