Cheneys book comes out and he was right, every one else wrong

All of it. That’s why he tried so hard.


Does he say anything bad about Bush?

I won’t buy his book or put a nickel in that motherfucker’s bank account by any other method. I wish he’d just fucking die and am sorry it didn’t happen before he had a chance to cause the deaths of so many. Fuck you, Cheney.

Yeah, but after 4 tries I can attest there’s something wrong with his formula. :frowning:

That would be like Howdy-Doody getting bad-mouth by the guy with the strings, i.e. pointless and silly.

Rumor has it that Darth Dick pressed Bush hard to pardon Scooter Libby. No sale.

Ha ha. He’s just kidding, America, you know he loves you.

That miserable war criminal piece of shit should be publicly beheaded in a specially-built gallows in the National Mall.

I’m not quite sure I understand what you mean. Care to elaborate on more of the details?

I predict an impending tsk-tsking over the sudden dearth of liberal tolerance.

His heart is augmented? What other augmentations does Cheney have? The strength aug… the dermal plating… the Typhoon explosive system?

My God… if he has that one upgraded to level 2, he can destroy any enemy within range including robots. Our only hope is that he doesn’t have the energy protection aug yet so we can stun him with an EMP grenade.

(For those of you who don’t get this, I’m talking about Deus Ex: Human Revolution.)

You reminded me of one of my favorite video clips of all time. Sometime after the Katrina deal Cheney went down there to look at the damage while the cameras were rolling. Some local joe sixpack was cleaning up his wrecked home in the background and speaking very loudly “Go Fuck Yourself, Mr. Cheyney.”

Ha! The new game is great, isn’t it? That’s what inspired me to use the term augmented, but as I understand it, it really is a bio-mechanical augmentation that Cheney has… his old heart is still there, it’s just getting a boost from the artificial unit. Who knows what he is capable of…

Basically, that you’re a troll with a recent join date. You go TrollSockGuy!


Yeah, I’ve heard that about you.

Okay, how the hell was I fully unaware that Dick Cheney no longer has a pulse? This is at the very least incontrovertible evidence of the comedic fine-tuning of the universe. Tell ‘em they may as well shut down the umpteen Jesus threads in Great Debates, we all have to be theists now.

??? I thought his post was funny and I wanted to hear more of the details. How is that trolling?

@Paranoid -> Best evidence of intelligent design yet, I’ll give you that.

Where the hell did you find 4 virgins in this day and age ?

Correction: Anything more Lovecraftian than just being Dick Cheney.

The sad and disgusting part about this book is that you just *know *he’s going to make a ton of money from it.