This is a chess game based on this thread.
Please use that thread for all comments - it’ll be clearer to follow the game if this thread is literally just the moves.
I will post the position regularly as well.
This is a chess game based on this thread.
Please use that thread for all comments - it’ll be clearer to follow the game if this thread is literally just the moves.
I will post the position regularly as well.
glee v NAF1138
1.e4 e6
(I don’t write out algebraic notation often so let me know if I mess up etiquette)
Yes definitely 2…d5
If 3.e5 b6
glee v NAF1138
glee v NAF1138
If 9. … Nxa6
10. Qe2
Game position here.
[quote=“glee, post:14, topic:847290”]
glee v NAF1138
glee v NAF1138
If 11. … bxc5 12. OO
Game position here.
[quote=“glee, post:16, topic:847290”]
glee v NAF1138
glee v NAF1138
Game position here.
glee v NAF1138
Game position here.