Chicago chapter SDMB vomit fest

Unc, crashers aren’t welcome…they’re fuckin’ expected!!!

Are anonymous <100 posters allowed to come too? I hope so…puppy noises
Just a thought, if you do take the red line, it’s a left out of the station if you get disorientated (says the man who hit the lake last time he was heading for Halsted from the red line)…
And a thought if anyone is fiscally challenged…you can stay at International House at the U of C for $36 a night…downside, $15 in a cab down there, but parking easy on sundays.
Can I come dad, please…

We’re bizarre up here in the NW–it’s the El where it’s above ground, but the subway where it’s below ground, thus either term is acceptable.

That’d be the Blue Line, which has handy connections to the Red Line at Washington and Jackson.

Okay, Omniscient. I promise I won’t bring up Walter Payton.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

Thats fine, but a moment of silence and a heartfelt toast would be welcome. :wink:

Chris, to paraphrase Omniscient…“Touching isn’t just welcome, it’s fuckin’ EXPECTED.” Glad you got the room for two.

Speaking of touching, did we ever mention that we did the Trust Game at the New York City get-together? The thing where you raise one guy up and pass his body gently from hand to hand to show him how much he’s loved and esteemed? I’ll never forget the look on manhattan’s face as he landed in the grand piano…

All RIGHT, UncleBeer! Looking forward ta meeting you!


Chris - when will Byron know if he’s going? Why don’t we do it like this: if he doesn’t go, then I will. That way you won’t be alone, and I won’t be a third wheel.

hey, should we all wear yellow roses in our lapels so that we recognize each other?

oh, wait, i don’t think i own any lapels. never mind.

Sucks to your assmar.

Green carnation, beefy, I vote for green carnations.

– Ukulele Ike, posing as a sodomite

Boli: You wouldn’t be a third wheel… you’d be a third driver.

“When will Byron know if he’s going?” Did I mention that I’m married to a nutcase? He won’t know until the second we’re supposed to leave. If he’s awake and packed, he’s going. If not…not.

Ike: Don’t go there. :wink:

“…all the prettiest girls live in Des Moines…”
–Jack Kerouac, On the Road
Chris’ Homepage: Domestic Bliss

Chris - GREAT sig line!! We’re a well-kept secret…

I made my reservations at the Days Inn last night.

Anbody know what time we’re shootin’ for? I’ll probably hit town about 4:30 or 5:00pm, the good lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise.

Unless there’s a reason to come earlier. I could do that too.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

Okay. {deep breath}

I’m a gonna do it. I’m going to be in Chi at the dog-lovin’ bar for the DoperCon in a couple of weeks. Made the reservations at the Days Inn tonight. (Hey, wanna place bets, or investments,on this hotel chain suriving until Christmas?) The reservation folks were very polite and burbled that it was recently renovated and had won some awards.

Given the havoc the “guy thing” thread is causing, I plan to bring bail money (it’s Chicago; cash works), lots of HandiWipes and am tuning up the car for a fast getaway. See the Blues Brothers…

Hey, blame Chris; she was the first to befriend me and is just so dang ellubient it was impossible to pass up a DoperCon in the home that gave rise to the syndrome.

BTW, the bar welcomes dogs, but Days Inn proved suprisingly stuffy about it. So you’ll meet me, but Da Dog has to stay home.

I’m looking forward to it madly. See you guys in a couple of weeks! (yeah, yeah, “so who’s this wordy newbie and why should we care again???”)

I will be the tall, dark, mysterious woman w/ the Groucho glasses/nose/mustache.

Busily shopping for a propeller beanie,

Hi, everybody! I’m drunk and in L.A. Hope you’re all doing as well. Anyway…

I am SOOOOO pleased that we might have crashers. I’m giddy that a lot of you have hotel reservations, too. Expect me to crash on someone’s floor when I realize I can’t drive.

Much as I hate all this nagging, we need to choose a time to meet. Everybody pipe up here.

Okelydokely, that’s all I have to add for now - remember to e-mail me for anything new.

Hey all, just checking in. I’m still in for the 21st, just laying low and waiting for the storm to blow over so I can get the time and all. Alas, since I have to work on the 22nd, this li’l puppy will not be contibuting to the “Buy the Day’s Inn a new Cigarette Machine” cause. But if anyone lives in the western suburbs and wants to carpool to save on gas and parking, let me know via e-mail.

“I guess it is possible for one person to make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”

Time to pop this back to the top.

I’m guessing that I (and boli and/or Neobican) will be there around 4:30 or so.

I propose we meet up around 6-ish…does that work for everyone? Ike, what time will you be in?

“…all the prettiest girls live in Des Moines…”
–Jack Kerouac, On the Road
Chris’ Homepage: Domestic Bliss

Works for me. Uke, I got a six-pack of Vernor’s Ginger Ale for ya. Too bad I could only get it in cans. Apparently glass is too expensive. Even here in the friggin’ glass capital o’ the world.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

I’ll be in by the afternoon of Saturday, the 20th. I like head starts.

(Actually, I might go to the Lincoln Park Zoo or somethin’ with the wife and kids on Sunday afternoon…then send them back home and head for the rendezvous point.)

6 PM sounds good; the earlier the better, as far as I’m concerned. If this is gonna be anything like the NYC party, the first time you look up, you’ll find that three hours have passed.

Unk, I appreciate the gesture, but please don’t haul a sixpack of Vernor’s all the was across Indiana just for me! And if you’re going to be at the Bird’s Nest by five, I might drop by early, too. Do some quality-time frontloading with you.

Are all the good bookshops on Lincoln closed?


I can be early to the nest. The early bird gets the… and all that poopla.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

Well, I’m gonna bump this puppy to the top, and in the process state that I’ll be there as early as the first person says they will be…are they open for breakfast?

I have a complex about missing anything, first to arrive, last to leave.

Better rest up.