Chicago Dope Fest - Business Thread

Yeah, the downpour might have been a problem, but for two things.

Number one, Tom Skilling happened to be sitting at the table next to us. What an awesome dude! He didn’t want his Cosmo to get diluted by the precipitation, so at the first hint of droplets from the sky, he whipped out his Google Nexus 7 tablet and tapped into the NOAA satellite network. Amazingly, he was able to direct some energy beams from the Hubble that created a surgical hole in the cloud cover, effectively stopping the rain from hitting our specific address. Amazing what they can do these days! Then he gave us all some rare DVDs of Jackie Bange and Frasier Thomas canoodling in a broom closet at the Chicago Cultural Center. If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my bunk.

Number two, the patio was covered. So we would have been dry anyway.

I’d be up for doing another one in the fall. Probably a Friday after work or Saturday afternoon is best. I’m flexible with location as long as it is CTA accessible.

See, this is what y’all get for scheduling it at a time when I’m not available. No no, I keed, I keed. The rain sucked yesterday, and it was still crowded at Taste of Chicago. Remind me not to go next year, by the way.

Anyhow, I’ll hopefully see you kids at the next one.

Glad you had a good time. Sorry I couldn’t. Really, really sorry. Next time.

:smack: Rookie mistake, MOL. Enjoy the salmonella.

In my defense, my sister was in town and really wanted to go. Large crowds of confused people make me stabby. Add in rain, and we’re all very lucky I’m not in prison right now. Some of the salmonella was pretty tasty, though.

I’ll make the next one assuming no stabbing.

What got me was Rahm’s warmth, Iron Mike’s quietly humble demeanor and how articulate Ronnie was during the heli tours. MJ even let me beat him at horse.

A fine time had by all. Thank you, dalej42, for getting it put together. It was fun to hang out in a neighborhood I don’t get to often, especially during the day, and dope it up in public. The rainstorm was even kind of fun. My only regret: not trying the mussels.

Looking forward to the next one.