Chick-Fil-A and free milkshakes

My six year old daughter has a chore chart. When she accumulates 24 stickers on it in one week, she gets a special treat. Last night, she wanted to go to the local Chick-Fil-A for ice cream after dinner. They have a play area, and it’s walking distance. Added attractions.

When we first went in the door, a 50ish man stopped us (had my 15-year-od, EtheralFreakOfPinkness with me, too). Asked us in an almost overly friendly way how we were doing. I said we were fine. He asked if we had any questions about chicken he could answer for us. :confused: I said we were just there for ice cream. Then he proceded to tell us that next week, they’re going to start selling shakes, and offered us free shakes, provided we tell all our friends whether we liked them, etc. Of course we accepted, but I was expecting a little Dixie cup or something. Nope. All three of us got full-size milkshakes (they were pretty big, too). Ethereal and I got Cookies and Cream, Mudgirl got Strawberry.

The shakes were good. Thick, but not so much you couldn’t drink them with a straw. Also had whipped cream and a cherry on top. What was even better was that I went in figuring to spend five or six bucks on ice cream and such, and ended up not spending a penny! Ethereal, in her typical, wise-beond-her-years way, said “It’s just marketing” and I said “Yes, but it’s good marketing”.

I promised to tell people, so, I’m telling.

Totally unrelated, except in the I got something for a lot less money than I expected to sense.

I went to a museum yesterday. I’d stopped in the day before to see how much it cost, and decided that visiting it would be a good use of my morning. So I get in line, and am all ready to pull out my money, when I’m asked if I have a credit card from a particular company (like Citibank, which wasn’t it). Yes, I did. So, general admission was free, I still had to pay the additional cost for the special exhibit that I was interested in, but that was only $4, rather than than $17 ($13 general plus $4 for the special exhibit). $4 for two hours amusement was certainly cheap.

It never fails to amaze me how experiences like yours and mine can make me smile all day; I fear it says something less than complimentary about my intelligence. :wink: