At the grocery market yesterday and I noticed they had set up a serve yourself free sample dispenser in the bakery section. They had it loaded up with peanut butter cookies. I was going to finish up my order at the deli and then enjoy a cookie while I was waiting for my deli order to be processed. Some big fat slob reaches in and empties the dispenser filling his pockets. I should have said something on the spot but I let it build up for a while and then when I came across him in the store a few minutes later I cussed him out. He seemed to feel I was way out of line as the sign clealry said free samples and made no mention of limits. Was the store wrong for not putting limits, was I wrong for saying something or was he wrong for being a fucking pig.
He was a fucking pig, and people like him are the bane of Civilization.
It’s rude to take all the free samples, but it’s also rude to castigate people you don’t have authority over whether or not they deserve it. Rudeness from one does not excuse rudeness from another.
You are the one at fault for not shanking him.
You should have gone all honeybadger on his ass!!
It’s a sample tray, not an all you can eat buffet. Does it even fucking need explaining?
The guy is a fucking ill mannered pig but the OP castigating him for it seems way over the top.
If I was feeling particularly evil, the worst I would have said to him would be to ask how he liked those cookies, with a big smartass grin on my face.
These were peanut butter cookies. Miss Manners and Emily Post will back me up on the proper response being a shanking. Anything else would be uncivilized.
“I would have taken a whole handful myself, but that one guy sneezed right on them. You could see the flecks glisten!”
I actually have a long standing problem with this prick aside from the cookies. Every time he visits the checkout counter he talks to the black checkers in his cool, very loud, black street voice as if he expects them to relate to that. He is a first class prick who really needs his ass kicked.
The guy’s a pig, but waiting and cursing him out later in the store was a bit over the top.
If you felt the need to confront him, you should have done it when he was actually taking the cookies. And instead of cursing him out, you might have started with something like,“Dude! Those are supposed to be samples for everyone. If you take them all, there won’t be any for other people.”
Have you keyed his car? If not, why not?
If everyone keyed cars owned by pricks & douche-bags life would be simpler. One glance at someones car would yield a world of information.
Agreed, but I’d replace “Dude” with “Fucknutz” or similar. “Dude” shows too much respect.
He would never notice, his old work truck is a pig pen.
Hmm. There must be *some *way he isn’t responsible for his actions, so we can finger-wag you for your insensitivity. Maybe he has whatever the opposite of a peanut allergy is?
You know way too much about this guy.
You may be looking at a restraining order if you keep this up.
If you’re going to kick his ass, do it before you’re served.
Why does it matter that he was fat?
Would it be ok if a thin person abused the free samples?
Damn. How could I have missed that?
Yes. They need the calories.
Medical necessity. If he is a medical marijuana patient, cookies may very well be medical necessities. Mmmmmm, cookies.
The lady behind you had a peanut allergy and he was just acting to save her life. You would rather see her die just so you can throw back a free cookie? You inhuman bastard!!