Thank you for NOT posting in the Pit. I posted my story in the Pit once and it ended up being a total trainwreck. I was not in a situation to emotionally handle the consequences of being called a liar.
2 of my stepfathers have sexually abused me, the only really relevant one being from age 12-17. I ended up running away from home but more to escape my violent and insane mother than anything else. I didn’t tell anyone about my stepfather (he actually was legally my father at the time, adopted when I was 13) until I was an emancipated minor with (I thought) full confidentiality. I told a therapist who swore she wouldn’t tell anyone else, but turns out she had to report it since he had other children. So I had to tell my mother and my entire family the truth before social services contacted them, about 3 days after coming to terms with it for the first time MYSELF. Very few of my family members believed me.
It made my life a living hell for a very long time. I spent most of my senior year crying in the high school bathroom. When most other kids were passing out high school graduation photos, I was balancing my check-book and receiving screaming, threatening phone calls from my mother about what a horrible, selfish child I was for putting her in this position.
I had to work full time to support myself AND I was a straight-A student trying to graduate and apply to college. I remember a great deal of what my stepfather did to me and always have, but I never labeled it as ‘‘abuse.’’ It was just one of those things I had to do to keep my family together. He was always the one protecting me from my Mom, who had a really violent temper. He told me he would have left my mother if it weren’t for me, and that he wished he was married to me instead. My mother knew about it at least on a subconscious level and it felt like I was caught in a really icky love triangle. She was always jealous of me and him, and whenever I went out in public with my ‘‘Dad,’’ people thought we were a couple. He played my mother and I against one another a lot. My mother had hormonal imbalances and depression and would fly into rages at the drop of a hat. Her punishments were completely disproportional to the crime and usually resulted in property damage, maybe I’d get slapped and shoved around or she would threaten to kill me. My mother was a completely terrifying person to live with.
So basically the situation was fucked beyond measure.
I really don’t think anybody can imagine what that sort of situation is like unless they’ve actually been through it. My adopted Dad was my hero. He took care of me and we spent a lot of time together and was the first man she’d married to ever take an interest in my life. He even taught me self-defense, irony of ironies. When I realized that what he had been doing was not my fault and was in fact him betraying me, I felt like he died. It’s like having the most amazing, loving wonderful father in the world and then suddenly having him die–die, that is, about one month after I became a fucking 17-year old emancipated minor having to support myself with a full time job.
I ended up graduating 2nd in my class anyways, because I’m a badass or something :rolleyes: and then I went to college, and it was in college that I finally got the mental health treatment I needed.
I didn’t know there was a name for the fact that I hated myself and wanted to die, and simultaneously felt like I was going to die at any moment, but it turned out to be called complex-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and major depressive disorder and X and X and X. I tried 14 different medications and they all pretty much annihilated any ability I had to concentrate on school. It got to the point where I didn’t eat or bathe. I ended up hospitalized at one point.
In the hospital, there was another girl my age in my room, and she was there for the 6th time. I decided that was going to be my last time in the psych ward. I ended up taking 2 years off of school because of all of this. I’ve since married, returned to school, and graduated, and I still have plans for graduate study. I consider myself happy. I’m off meds, and I don’t consider suicide very often anymore.
I eventually had to end relationship with my mother because she stayed married to the guy and was putting enormous amounts of pressure on me to forget about it and move on. The last straw, when I was 22–she talked me into having him help me move some furniture, and then invited him into my bedroom. Right now, I have a good relationship with my mother. She divorced my abuser 6 years after I told her, because he pushed her and she wasn’t going to tolerate that kind of abuse. She is very interested in my abuse story now because it corroborates her own theory that he is an awful, horrible person.
In terms of the impact this has had on my life–well, obviously there’s the fact that my academic and work life has suffered. I am a perfectionist and an overachiever, so I was humiliated to graduate with a Bachelors at age 25 with a 3.6 GPA and two medical withdrawals. I think ‘‘humiliation’’ pretty much sums up my life experience. I was almost fired from my college cafeteria job because of social anxiety disorder and I have 21 negative marks on my credit report because at some point I just stopped caring whether I lived or died or paid my bills.
My sex life is interesting to say the least. I am only okay with sex if I am the initiator–and let me tell you somewhere deep inside I am a kinky little pistol! I can be really free and open and demanding when I’m in the mood. But if I’m sitting on the couch watching TV and my husband kisses me or makes some kind of move, I want to punch him in the face. I feel sick to my stomach and I know it’s him and this is different, but all the feelings just come right to the surface. I feel so resentful when he makes his desires clear. Fortunately we have an incredibly strong relationship that can survive the complete and total wreck of a sex life we have. I just started a new therapy that is supposed to resolve a lot of these issues anyway.
Obviously now I am doing much, much better, and I credit my husband, for his steadfast and unwavering support through all of this (we’ve been together almost 6 years now, met when we were 19.) I also credit myself, because for 6 years straight I have made therapy my full time job and my number one priority. It isn’t sufficient to be a survivor of this disaster–I have to thrive. I will not stop until I have found out how to be happy.
And I DO consider myself happy now. I still have anxiety and depression but it doesn’t disrupt my life as severely as it did in the past. I am doing very well at my new job and people who meet me probably don’t even have a clue what I’ve been through. I’ve also gotten over the ‘‘I feel depressed, therefore I’m not going to do X’’ phase of life. So people can snicker behind my back because I may sometimes be a little socially awkward or melodramatic, but all this maturity I’ve gained, I’ve earned myself through hard-ass work. Nobody was there to pat my back and make it all better. Nobody ever taught me what ‘‘normal’’ is. It’s something I had to discover on my own and to some extent am still in the process of discovering.
The biggest impact of all of this is that I never feel like a regular human being. People can be so fucking judgmental and for a long time, since nobody really ever taught me any social boundaries, I talked about this with just about anybody who would listen. Now the only people I discuss it with are therapists and Dopers. But every time I acknowledge this happened to me, I feel shame. I often feel like a waste of human space and the only reason people are going to forgive my existence is if they understand everything I went through.
But you know what? Nobody will ever fucking understand. The magnitude of hell that was my childhood is basically beyond even my own comprehension to understand. Sometimes when I haven’t thought about it for a long time, and I tell the story, I do a double-take – ‘‘Holy crap. That was really my life.’’
But you know what? Then I read about the Holocaust or the Inquisition, or hear someone bemoan the fact they haven’t found love, and I thank my lucky stars. Because I totally lucked out in the love department, I don’t live in a fascist government, and what I call the ‘‘poverty’’ of my childhood is really a joke compared to say, Mexico.
Not only that, but I am completely devoid of hatred for other people. I’m angry sometimes at my Mom, and you bet your ass I’m angry at my stepDad, but I won the Big Fight. I’m not a cynical, bitter husk of a human being. I am excited about my life and bursting with love for other people. I am not a little girl any more. I am a grown adult and there is no way I am going to let something as inconsequential as the past make me feel out of control of my own life. In my present life, I lack for nothing. I truly am grateful to have had the right mix of love, therapy, determination, and happy coincidence to pull myself out of that hellhole and into the real world.