Chile to Auckland flight missed by space debris

Almost headline news tonight, an A340 (Chilian (sp) airline) had debris from a Russian satellite going past 8km in front and behind the plane, according to the pilot. Though not sure how you’d be able to judge distances.

It’s a big area out there, the chances of the two flight paths interecting like that must be small, but the chance of physical contact with the plane has to be vanishing small.

Russia uses the South Pacific as their dumping ground for space junk. They inform us of expected incoming, but this time were out by 12 hours :eek: Nothing said whether the satellite re-entered early, or someone screwed up converting to the time zone :smack:

Can’t yet find a link, news must be too fresh, even though it was almost 24 hours ago :rolleyes:


Thanks! Didn’t think to check Oz sites :smack: TV news people still don’t have it on their site :rolleyes:

When you say “us” who are you? Air traffic control?

Perhaps dynamitedave is using “us” collectively to refer to the people in this part of the world.

:smack: Sorry, “us” as in NZ has control of that part of the ocean. Me involved in ATC would result in the re-definition of the term “Mega-Death” :smiley:

And I see Cunctator has beat me to it :smiley: Cheers mate!