Chili in a can: have you ever used it for anything but hot dogs?

Ever tried adding about a half pint of gasoline? :smiley:

In chili? Nah. We just drink the stuff straight.

Ooh… this thread is reminding me. I have a can of turkey chili, a few slices of shitty cheddar (or maybe swiss, not that it matters), and tortilla chips at home. Looks like I have dinner planned!

I know I’ve veered way off topic (what’s new?) but what you said and something on TV a while ago about okra made me recall something a school chum had to say at lunch one day. He was from the country and had a thick drawl which adds to the effect when this is told out loud, but the jist of it ought to be obvious.

“You got to eat peanut butter with boiled okra to put the brakes on it.”

I hardly ever put it on hot dogs, actually. I mix the canned stuff with spaghetti, for when I’m really hungry and really lazy.

Oh, my. This is not off to a good start.

It’s not listed on the bottle but according to this site, Mega Death comes in at about 2/3 that.

As you’ll see from the same page, Blair puts out some substances with absolutley ludicrous Scoville ratings, but this is entirely sufficient for my heat needs and furthermore it is quite tasty. It’s truly delicious hot sauce. Somehow I doubt that some clear liquid in a hermetically sealed vial that’s 32 times as hot as this stuff is going to be described as “tasting good”.

MD is 2/3 of the way down the page, down past the “weapons of mass destruction” league stuff.

I used to live on Denisons and Coke when I was a kid. Loved the stuff. Now, not so much.

+1 … it doesnt have the right flavor profile for me to eat it as chili, but it is the correct flavor profile for chili fries, or a bud uses it in potato skins for a funky tex mex potato skin.

Perhaps if I was absolutely starving, and there wasnt anything else available or that i could manage to make Id eat it, but I really wouldnt be happy *

  • i once spent a week living on microwave popcorn and water thanks to an intensly bad bout of pneumonia that kept me hallucinating and feverish until mrAru got home. I would have gone to the hospital in an ambulance but there would have been nobody available to take care of the livestock or house animals.

I eat chili out of a can most of the time I eat chili (which honestly isn’t much). As a single person, whipping up a pot of home made chili is a PITA and means chili for a week – no thanks. I like Stagg chicken chili and Stagg turkey chili, both of which are low fat and reasonably tasty. Grate some cheddar on the top, break out a couple of whole wheat tortillas – it’s hardly the worst microwave dinner in the world.

To me, asking whether people actually eat canned chili is like asking if they eat canned soup. Of course we do; at least a lot of us do. I may be a troglodyte but that’s not why.

You keep a week’s worth of microwave popcorn in your house?

Well, I’m ok with where the thread has gone, but what I meant when I wrote the OP was what Thudlow Boink calls “hot dog sauce” in post #18. I’ve eaten Stagg and some other brand that came in a jar.

No, I don’t eat that stuff.
I am annoyed when they give it to me in a fast food restaurant when I was expecting beans.

A coworker uses canned beanless chili when she makes chili casserole. (Basically chili with tatertots on top).

BJs sells it by the case, 24 pouches of it or thereabouts. It sells quite well around here, people buy it and take it in to work instead of paying vending machine prices. Works out to something like fifteen cents a pouch or so.

For those who like the convenience of out of can, esp. for office lunch… now that you can get pretty good sliced & individually wrapped pepperjack cheese, I suggest takin’ a couple of slices of that with you, mixing it in with the chili when you nuke it. Gives it a bit of a nudge you wouldn’t get from cheddar, without being “stupid-hot.”

I can honestly say that I have never eaten proper “chili with beans” out of a can, knowingly. I’m sure I have had it in instutional settings somewhere down the line. And even for coney dogs we always used the specific chili meat sauce in the small cans made especially for coney dogs, coney sauce doesn’t/shouldn’t have beans in it as far as I’m concerned.

This is what I ate most growing up. Now it’s mostly this. Both have hot dogs on the label, but they both say “chili”, not “hot dog sauce”.

And I agree. Chili sauce goes on hot dogs; chli doesn’t.

One can of chili with no beans.
One package of cream cheese.
One bag of Frito scoops.

Put chili in bowl, put cream cheese on top (in pieces, preferably, for better melting), put bowl in microwave. Heat and stir. Use scoops for dipping.

I actually split it between two bowls before heating, for my bf and I. It’s much better with cream cheese than cheddar, in my opinion.