Chili's Top Shelf Margarita

What recipe does Chili’s use for their Top Shelf Margarita? I had one the other night and really enjoyed it and would like to make it. I’ve tried searching online, but I only come up with a lot of recipes for their Presidente Margarita.

It has Sauza Gold tequila, Cointreau and GranGala(a triple orange liqeuer made with brandy.)

Any idea of the proportions? I’m likely to create quite an abomination with such vague instructions :o

The classic Margarita recipe I use is 2 parts (good) tequila, 1 part Cointreau, 1 part fresh squeezed lime juice. Mix over ice, strain into salt rimmed glass without ice.

My guess as to a decent starting recipe: 2 jiggers Sauza Gold, 1/2 jigger Cointreau, 1/2 jigger GranGala, 1 jigger lime juice. Over ice, skip the salt (that’s the way I like them. Sue me!)